Battlegrounds - Help me analyze if this is possible or is there really something strange about this.

I played a match against this profile (which wasn't such a strong account), when he won very quickly. In the first fight I thought he did it very quickly and finished 100%, but so far so good, I just thought... The guy is really good! But in the second fight (the King of Crime), I found it very strange, as he also did it very quickly and without losing any life again. When I went to analyze the fights I saw that he apparently took blows, but even so he didn't lose any life. With a special one it took more than 200k of life out of my pad... I thought it was strange, but what do you think? Is this strange or is the guy just really good?
Overpower and +200% attack above 2 bars of power…200k damage…hmmm… suspicious? Yes. Impossible?…idk about that one…maybe with said buffs in this meta… I would probably report this anyway, just to be sure.
Also “hits received” does take blocked hits into account, so he likely didn’t eat a full combo to the face but probably blocked 5 hits in total.
Edit: so it says his highest combo is 19 but he only performed 11 hits, so I’m guessing the sp3 counted as one successful hit (hence the biggest hit of 216k) but the rest of the sp3 hits took the combo meter to 19, while only counting as technically one hit.
After Abs use sp1 he gain incredible physical resistance, so there's no way sp2 of kingpin will do magically 200k damage.
All of that aside, no, I do not believe those fights are possible because of their damage distributions. You'd expect titania and KP to do that damage in a sp3/sp2, but not with their base damage in that time and that many hits.