Raid chest rng rewards are infuriating

This has been an issue for a while and I am getting fed up with it. I just blasted through all three path fights and got 50% t6cc all three times (from the valiant chests). I am the powerhouse of my alliance typically putting up 90,000,000 points to help out my other alliance members (and happily do so). It just feels terrible when I get the worst rewards out of it while an alliance member who didn't need to do anything because they were backup get 15k 7* shards. At this point 50% t6cc means very little to my account and I don't have enough 7*s/the right 7*s I want to actually use that t6cc. Champ acquisition is way more important for me right now. The worst part is that they weren't even the t6cc I needed for one of the champs I actually want to rank up. I don't feel any anger towards my other alliance members for getting better rewards than me. That anger is directly going towards the design of these random rewards. Why isn't it at the very least a t6cc 50% selector? Why can't you let us have a few choices so RNG doesn't prevent us from getting what we actually want.
I just really want an explanation of the design intention here because it seems like it was just designed to cause frustration and jealousy. Didn't we used to have these type of rng aq crystals a very long time ago? And weren't they removed for this exact reason?
So sum up: These chest just make me feel bad and I am seeing a lot of similar sentiment from my alliance members as well as others. Doesn't seem like anyone is happy with it
I just really want an explanation of the design intention here because it seems like it was just designed to cause frustration and jealousy. Didn't we used to have these type of rng aq crystals a very long time ago? And weren't they removed for this exact reason?
So sum up: These chest just make me feel bad and I am seeing a lot of similar sentiment from my alliance members as well as others. Doesn't seem like anyone is happy with it
they should definitely incorporate more nexus type crystals similar to abyss but with 7*s
also the available items from chest rewards are way to broad, definitely not fair for someone to get 50% t6cc vs someone else getting 20k titan shards for example the value in these 2 items are night and day difference.
What a bummer.
Yes, i got 50% random t6cc in all 3 chests in case someone is wondering...