Why does not work ?

Madbike30Madbike30 Member Posts: 34
I did like twice didn't come up rewards?


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,744 Guardian
    edited June 2024
    Take a screenshot of which quest (from the quest panels) you are trying to do, and which difficulty.

    And I assume this is on an Alt.Account, since other posts have said you are well into the game progression already (and so would not have this Summoner's Journey Objective available) ?
  • Madbike30Madbike30 Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2024
    I'm lvl60 so I did that compete mission twice and it seem (freeze) stay there
    It strange
    Won't work to continue.

    Take a screenshot of which quest (from the quest panels) you are trying to do, and which difficulty.

    And I assume this is on an Alt.Account, since other posts have said you are well into the game progression already (and so would not have this Summoner's Journey Objective available) ?

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,744 Guardian
    Just to be sure, you actually ran the quest ?
    And didn’t just click on the AUTO-COMPLETE to avoid actually doing the quest itself ?
  • Madbike30Madbike30 Member Posts: 34
    Yes I run auto quest full I check reward freeze then
    And secondly
    I press auto complete
    I check again reward still freeze.
    Won't let me claim it like tick done.

    Just to be sure, you actually ran the quest ?
    And didn’t just click on the AUTO-COMPLETE to avoid actually doing the quest itself ?

  • Madbike30Madbike30 Member Posts: 34
    Sorry my bad IT WORKS ....

    Thankyou for tips....

    Just to be sure, you actually ran the quest ?
    And didn’t just click on the AUTO-COMPLETE to avoid actually doing the quest itself ?</blockquote

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