Double Track quest completion objective issue

ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
I started the Tigra Carina challenge tonight and planned on taking it on over several days as I have time until done (planning for this for a couple weeks). Now with the introduction of the double track event, and one of the daily objectives being “complete an event”, will I be screwed over for track event daily rewards as my account is locked in the EOP Carina challenge? Subsequently if that objective is tomorrow and I can’t finish the Carina challenge until Friday/Saturday, will that I mean I end up missing out on several days of rewards and maybe even the Beta Ray Bill tokens (I bought the platinum track)?


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★
    There is still the boosters built in to the event so I think you'll be fine in this scenario but it will be interesting if that objective does double up on you, I doubt something like this was accounted for
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    Just finish asap,
    It's not worth to risk missing out on 7* cap marvel
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
    Lol, naturally today's prompt is Complete a quest for the Double Track Event.
    Looks like I have to hide away and knock out this stupid challenge before tomorrow's reset.
    @Kabam Jax can you confirm if objectives will stack or not? I missed out on 10k Titan shards last month from that issue, and don't want to repeat that mistake

    I guess it would behoove anyone planning on doings these challenges or anyhing bigger like Necropolis, to wait until September if they think they'll need a couple days to clear content that'll take a few hours of champs being stuck in a quest. :neutral:
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,743 Guardian
    Assume you meant the objective was “Complete a Quest” (not an Event).

    They have always stacked up to 2 available Double Track objectives that can be unfinished at the same time.

    So unless you receive a 2nd “Complete a Quest” that stacks up with the first one, you’ll be fine finishing each other new (of the other type) one each day.

    And even if you get 2 “Quest” ones stacked up, you got 2 safety days built in (even without buying the other track, booster, etc)
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Are the track rewards for the last few days better than the permanent carinas?

    Choice is either go hard on EOP or wait for an opportunity later since its not going anywhere.

    Me, I wouldn't risk it, especially if I paid for plat track.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
    lol of course this is the first one that comes up after I post…. Guess I’m pushing the rest of EOP tonight 😒🙄

  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,120 ★★★★★
    Chovner said:

    lol of course this is the first one that comes up after I post…. Guess I’m pushing the rest of EOP tonight 😒🙄

    Well, luck of the draw sometimes.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,570 ★★★★★
    Can you not auto complete the daily catalyst quest for it?
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
    2 days in a row…

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,743 Guardian
    Chovner said:

    2 days in a row…

    Just to clarify in case you missed it.
    Where that 2nd box is below the 1st one, that says “Next Objective in …”, that is for a 2nd Objective that you can have stacked up at the same time.
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