First problem with 5 bans
Today Tier 2 Alliance faced an opponent from Tier 1, where there are 5 bans.
Since placing 5 bans is not allowed in Tier 2, the game automatically did this for the Tier 2 Alliance.
Kabam should allow Tier 2 Alliances to place their 5 bans in advance when transitioning to Tier 1.
Since placing 5 bans is not allowed in Tier 2, the game automatically did this for the Tier 2 Alliance.
Kabam should allow Tier 2 Alliances to place their 5 bans in advance when transitioning to Tier 1.
Just like there is a +/- Tier Map available for placing different defense.
There should be a +/- Tier option for setting other things (like Bans) that are different between Tier Wars.
Thank you starting this discussion. I have brought this to the game team's attention and discussions are happening around a potential change/fix for the future.
And even now I just checked and I can set 5 bans on our T1 map, and 3 bans on our T2 map.
As long as you use Manual placement so you can place at all tiers, then this all works currently. So this is more a bug with the new Auto option, kinda surprised they are cutting ban amounts back to 3 just to support alliances in Tier 2 that use auto, which I would expect to be pretty low.
Are you saying that when your CURRENT TIER is for a Tier-2 Map, that when you go into the UP(+) Tier Defense Map placement (even though it is NOT your Current), that it gives you the choice to set *5* Bans for that UP Tier-1 ??
**And, I assume this was BEFORE the new temporary change back to just 3 that they just made (since you referenced the temporary change they just made)
Or do you mean that as you move Up/Down each war, when your CURRENT Tier changes, that you can then properly set either the 3 or 5 Bans for that UPCOMING War (of whatever your now-current Tier will be) ?
OP case was that their CURRENT is *Not* what they ended up facing in War because of Cross-Tier Matching.
And for Reference, below is the announcement they just made reverting it back to 3 for now..
I am in a T1 alliance, and I can set 3 bans for the T1 map and 3 different bans for the T2 map. As I am not a T2 map alliance, I cannot verify if there is a bug where when they go to the T1 map they can't set 5 bans, but based on how this is reported, I am thinking they are using Auto, and it just filled in some extra bans for them.
Tier-1 will stay at 5 Bans.
Tier-2 at 3 Bans.
Suggestion being to set your Alliance for MANUAL Placement (instead of the new AUTO) for alliances who are close to that Tier 1/2 boundary.
(so seems like, yes, with MANUAL, you can choose the 5 Bans, and 3 Bans, separately, for the different +/- Tier Map potentials)