Cusp of T1/T2

With regards to the banner on top, and as a leader of an ally who is towards the top of T2, what is the "cusp" of T1/T2? It changes every season, every other war it seems like the exact number is different. If we're on auto placement, when do we know when to stop and switch to manual? Or do we just use Manual the entire time and basically not be able to use the new feature? I know it's not too much work to do so, but having a limit on what T1 is would be helpful in general as well.
Tier Ranks are based on % of all alliances.
And could always match against someone on other side of that boundary (of which, there is no exact amount of WR difference that you might be matched up against that could thus be on that other side).
If you're Tier 1 or 2, are you having a hard time getting such high players to place their defenses in both the + and - Tiers as well (besides for Current) ?
If you’re worried, just stay on MANUAL, and make sure you have placements in +/-
It was a QoL change that alliances aren't able to use is all.
A better solution to be explored would be to keep bans separate from the auto placement and allow you to set it independently if possible.
But it's not something that can immediately be created right now.
So choice for the “here and now” is whether to allow the 5-Ban system for Tier-1, or not.