Arena Buff?!

In honor of the Sunday arena I wanted to ask if Kabam has said anything regarding an arena buff. Obviously they are horrid and need a complete revamp. Assuming Kabam hasn’t put anything out…. I would like to offer a few solutions.
1. Progression based arenas
- more shards, 7* shards, more arena crystals
2. Straight up - just better rewards
- again more 7* shards, iso selectors, more gold, etc.
3. More event arenas
- I forgot the name of it, but the arena with the legend crystals was amazing. It doesn’t even have to be that good. That’s just a good example.
I feel like the battle chips and units are acceptable. The gold definitely could be better, but the lack of useful shards or the idea of grinding an arena for hours; timing my real life events with the refresh of my champs just to hope I get enough to place for the featured 6* is not fun.
I’m very interested in others thoughts, and if Kabam has said something feel free to lmk, I’ll check it out.
1. Progression based arenas
- more shards, 7* shards, more arena crystals
2. Straight up - just better rewards
- again more 7* shards, iso selectors, more gold, etc.
3. More event arenas
- I forgot the name of it, but the arena with the legend crystals was amazing. It doesn’t even have to be that good. That’s just a good example.
I feel like the battle chips and units are acceptable. The gold definitely could be better, but the lack of useful shards or the idea of grinding an arena for hours; timing my real life events with the refresh of my champs just to hope I get enough to place for the featured 6* is not fun.
I’m very interested in others thoughts, and if Kabam has said something feel free to lmk, I’ll check it out.
2) they have a unit budget so they can’t add more units to the sunday arena unless they take away else where (i mean technically they can in the future if they change their minds, but as it is they decided on a set unit budget that can be earned throughout the contest)
3) Would like to see more arena events, they’re pretty cool.
4) When 6* were released it was in 2018 and i think the first 6* arena was released in 2021 (could be wrong read it in another forum post) so they most likely will make a new progression based arena, just not for a while.
I mean even seeing a little more 6* shards so I can get more iso and 7* shards would be nice. I understand the units and can live with the amount they give rn
I think just iso and gold would be perfect, neither resource is game breaking but both are valuable to a lot of players. It makes Sunday arenas still worth it if you decide to play them but also easily passable if you have both of those resources. A perfect balance imho.
It's crazy how Kabam can ignore these every week, they even ignored my post 🥲