"Reserved" spots in AW with no Defenders?

Not sure what is happening, but I have several members showing "Reserved" spots in BG's that also show nothing for Defenders placed and are not Assigned to that BG.
It even shows one that has been kicked, and we are not currently in War.
What's happening and how do I fix it?
It even shows one that has been kicked, and we are not currently in War.
What's happening and how do I fix it?
Sounds like this might be a bug?
What might have happened, is that you had moved Uo/Down prior to changing the new setting to AUTO Placement.
And so maybe there were some ppl who had NOT placed defenders in that Up/Down that you ended up moving into.
So what was then your new CURRENT was already lacking some defenders..
In addition, if you were then to move BACK to what you had previously been in a couple wars prior, with what is now a SINGLE SET of defenders (missing some), it will carry that missing defenders back to a Tier Map that at some point previously you actually HAD defenders in (but not because of unfortunate timing of changing that setting) ???
And (2), yes, Kicked/Left people seemed to have always been lagging behind for another war (maybe 2 ??) before they got removed by the system.
**BUT** with the new changes to Settings and AW Defense Roster List, officers can MANUALLY remove even just a SINGLE player's defense.
Go to 10x5 Defender List.
(A), at top you will see a button for CLEARING out the ENTIRE BG (not what you want for removing kicked/left people, but..)
(B), click on an INDIVIDUAL member's Profile icon (from that 10x5 list), and you can individually remove JUST THAT PLAYER's defenders from that BG. Opening up a Defensive spot for someone else in your alliance to place defenders for the NEXT war.
Not sure about your replied comment, saying you WIPED the defenders first, and have AUTO set ??
The AUTO in that case is not gonna do what you maybe hoped it would.
It does NOT just go into everyone's roster and blindly/randomly pick out defenders to put onto the map, after you had cleared it of all defenders.
(See earlier explanation of AUTO)
Plenty of us have Defenders placed, but I have several spots that are "stuck" as Reserved with no Defenders placed, and they are NOT assigned to the BG.
No idea what happened, but it's all fixed ...