The 2024 champ problem



  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    I've been saying this. 2024 kabam has based the "AVERAGE" damage output of any champion by their 7* r3 potential that's exactly what is showcased in the deep dive. 7*r3 2024 champs now have the same damage output of 6* r4 champs of 2023 and earlier. It's so bad that new champs are almost unplayable offensively unless they're 7* r3. I came to this conclusion with negasonic because she's the only champion I've been excited for this year. When her deep dive 7* R2 was barley ticking 2k after an Sp2 that was the final straw. It's as if they're trying not to break the game with good offensive champions. Going forward it seems champions will only have DECENT damage when they're r3.
    If champs like Kate, CGR etc were released this year best believe their damage would've been very very bad.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★
    JAYIRI said:

    I've been saying this. 2024 kabam has based the "AVERAGE" damage output of any champion by their 7* r3 potential that's exactly what is showcased in the deep dive. 7*r3 2024 champs now have the same damage output of 6* r4 champs of 2023 and earlier. It's so bad that new champs are almost unplayable offensively unless they're 7* r3. I came to this conclusion with negasonic because she's the only champion I've been excited for this year. When her deep dive 7* R2 was barley ticking 2k after an Sp2 that was the final straw. It's as if they're trying not to break the game with good offensive champions. Going forward it seems champions will only have DECENT damage when they're r3.
    If champs like Kate, CGR etc were released this year best believe their damage would've been very very bad.

    Not every single champ in mcoc is on par with Kate or CGR in terms of damage output
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    JAYIRI said:

    I've been saying this. 2024 kabam has based the "AVERAGE" damage output of any champion by their 7* r3 potential that's exactly what is showcased in the deep dive. 7*r3 2024 champs now have the same damage output of 6* r4 champs of 2023 and earlier. It's so bad that new champs are almost unplayable offensively unless they're 7* r3. I came to this conclusion with negasonic because she's the only champion I've been excited for this year. When her deep dive 7* R2 was barley ticking 2k after an Sp2 that was the final straw. It's as if they're trying not to break the game with good offensive champions. Going forward it seems champions will only have DECENT damage when they're r3.
    If champs like Kate, CGR etc were released this year best believe their damage would've been very very bad.

    Not every single champ in mcoc is on par with Kate or CGR in terms of damage output
    Definitely, but that does not mean we should get champions with negasonic and silver sable type damage "AT 7* R3"
  • Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    Emilia90 said:

    So I’ve seen a lot of discussions surrounding this and I wanted to get a clearer understanding of what Kabam is trying to achieve with some of these champs at this point. I’d also like to preface that not a single 2024 champ balance has been released yet, so this is a look at them before that. 2024 has had some solid releases, but it’s just been such a step down from 2023 that I have to wonder why they decided to just kneecap most new releases

    Now first we have the defensive releases (Bullseye, Serpent). We’ve had a lot of champs that were good on defense but mediocre on attack in the past (Korg) and these defenders are good enough to draft in battlegrounds or to place in war regardless of their offensive potential. Overall I’m fine with these champs I guess? They don’t offer much on attack and I’d love to see them get tune ups, but they still have their place.

    I have a 7* Ironheart and while she offers some unique utility, she also has mediocre damage output and if I wanted a faster miss counter I’d rather use Kate or anyone else that’s faster and more efficient. Oh look there’s destroyer! He has some nice damage right? If only it didn’t take 10 years to get going, require an sp3, and he doesn’t even destroy half the the buffs in the game so his ramp takes 10 years. He’s good against Hulkling I guess but literally anyone can take him at this point and everyone would rather use him on attack. Punk comes in with some great animations and unique utility only to have the most mid damage payoff ever. He’s grown on me after seeing MsD and Allison’s video, and I think he’d be fantastic if they just let him hit harder.

    Silver Sable is a literal meme tier champion. It’s like she was plucked straight from 2016 or something and they just gave her a worse mix of champs that came before her. She doesn’t even have great animations. I don’t want to go in too harshly on Northstar since he’s a new release but I’ve seen a lot of videos from people I trust and I wanted to badly to give him the benefit of the doubt, but my god, what were they trying to accomplish with him? Mediocre utility and that weird quicksilver animation that makes him unfun to use. But hey he’s got good damage right? If you want to ramp him for a long time for mediocre payoff, sure! Sure he isn’t meant for battlegrounds (which is fine) but even if you wanted to use him for Everest content why would you? Ramping him that long for damage that I could get much easier with Aegon or Stryfe or Storm or Kate or Shuri or literally any other endgame based champ that actually sustains a good ramp and has a good amount of utility (also MsD clowning him is pretty funny, I’d go watch his vid)

    The same thing applies to Arcade. He’s supposed to be defense based which would be cool if he had all the immunities that we thought he’d have, but I’m not going to judge his defensive potential too much rn. I have seen and heard a lot about his attack potential and to put it plainly, why? He takes a while to get going (times out against literally anything in battlegrounds) and even when he’s ramped he’s hitting like a r3 6*. His utility is fine, but again, why would you reach for arcade? He’s not an onslaught counter. In fact, he barely counters anything the mutant class has to offer at all.

    I’ve seen a few people say that Prowler is hands down the best attacker to come from this year, and I’d have to agree. He’s still not perfect and I think his rotation could be a little less tight, but he’s the best we’ve got. Negasonic has skill countering potential which makes her valuable, but again, I’d agree that her damage is lacking. Dust once again has fantastic utility, but she could also use a numbers bump or a slight change to her rotation, though I think she’s fine for general content as is (just not battlegrounds)

    I also want to say that I agree that not every champ needs to be OP/made for battlegrounds (cause this comes up all the time) but bumping some numbers to incentivize people to actually reach for them wouldn’t be making them OP. On top of that, we haven’t gotten a single phenomenal attacker for battlegrounds 6 months into the year (once again, Prowler being the best probably but still not phenomenal compared to others).

    So yes, not every champ needs to be battlegrounds focused but they’ve missed the mark in general a lot of the time with the damage this year. On top of that, battlegrounds is important and idk why they haven’t even made someone close to 2023 in attack potential. A lot of these champs don’t need much other than an attack bump that lets them reach the same level of a lot of previous releases

    Here’s my proposed solution for making these champs great:

    Ironheart: Bump her damage up
    Dust: Bump her damage up
    Destroyer: Make his ramp faster, make him destroy more
    Punk: Bump his damage up (slight numbers increase and he’d be sooo good)
    Negasonic: Bump her damage up
    Sable: Delete her from the game
    Arcade: Make his ramp more practical, bump his damage up
    Northstar: lmao idk but he needs a lot of help

    I literally came to the forums for this exact reason just to see how much the community been talking about this. I struggle to understand how the method of making defenders OP with unavoidable damage while making most (if not all) 2024 attacker based champs have negligible/inadequate/forgettable or even LAUGHABLE performance was ever going to work for them…
    And then the rebalancing program only ever “rebalances” a champ when 1) they’re not defensive, these are kabam money makers they hate touching them (look at the lil “tweak” bullseye got LMAO)
    And 2) the community has to literally throw a collective outrage to the point it’s unavoidable and still HOPE for the best that it’s not a lateral bust (looking at you sandman…)

    What also gets me upset is the creators not acknowledging this as well but that’s irrelevant

    Truly, in my experience these last few months, I’ve seen lots of people leave the game simply because they felt like the game was going in a horrible direction and they lost the incentive to play and stick it out cause EVERY month been the sameee thing, OP defender/forgettable attacker. When you already have most champs in the game and can’t acquire the news one on release for months at a time, you’re expecting to have fun with the new champs when you do acquire them. However, if you only ever play the new champs when they the OP defenders you can’t avoid, and then you get the new attackers and realize they’re weaker than champs from 2 years ago, you lose incentive to keep playing amongst everything else. The game is deliberately causing more stress/annoyance than it is allowing fun. The champs are EVERYTHING in this game and this whole year so far has been horrible at delivering fun balanced champs.

    ALSO, keep in mind this trend started before 2024 too. December we got Onslaught and Deathless( More like 2016 pre-buffed) Gully. Those 2 literally follow the model of OP defender with unavoidable dmg and forgettable mediocre attacker.

    2024 has not been a great year for the mcoc community and you can quite literally feel it everywhere
  • SHADOW138SHADOW138 Member Posts: 7
    I think it is too early to judge them. since they are released as seven stars they have definitely tuned down considering the future of the game. i am sure they are gonna regret releasing domino as 7*. Since her damage ceiling becomes so high. The only reason she is a 7* is because of her rng mechanic.

    If you have continued watching beroman streams you would note that his r3 bullseye really does well on attack. He shows that he can finish fights in under a minute in bgs. Considering many people avoids using him on attack was because he did not do enough damage even a r2. But when he goes r3 he does fights pretty well. So imagine a r6 bullseye. So if they had bumped up his damage on attack at r6 he would be overwhelming.

    I think shuri is a great example for why 7*s are undertuned. R2 shuri can do necro fights in six to seven minutes. She also does well in bgs even though not the fastest. Just imagine a r6 doing necro. Her ramp is so easy to do and easy to maintain. A r6 shuri testing grounds would be necro sauron.

    Overall i think the champs are still great.

    Like hell i would think that. All of these problems kickstarted when they decided to break the game economy with the july 4th deals last year.

    The major reason being commonizing 6*r5s. If they didnt do it i doubt that they would have introduced 7*r3s soooo soon. And to add to that they also introduced ascension which strengthed the 6*s even more. Since 6*s were taking over 7*s were falling short on the damage so they had to introduce 7*r3s.

    You could say 7* r3s were pre-planned to be released on necro. Yes that is right. They planned all of it from the start. Them deciding to commonize r5s to 7*r3s on necro were all are money focused. With the introduction of 7*s players were frustrated that their 6*s are useless now. To compensate that they released many r5 items. This is where things went wrong. They released too much.

    Once ascension was released the 6*s took over the game for a while. So they released good champs who are good at even 6*r4s to suit the players needs and it was successful. 7* sales increased. But the champs will be overpowered in the future. We will see that in the upcoming year.

    I guess you can say they learnt from their mistakes and are now releasing some finetuned champs with the r6 in mind.

    The real problem with the 7* starts now. Since the champs that are being released are getting backlashes they might consider increasing their damage output like you said. But lets say ironheart gets a good buff and she does pretty good now. will that be the same case in the future with r67*s.

    A buff means they are going to increase something and decrease something or could even remove mechanics. For example dexing bullseye basic attacks wont inflict instant bleed after his rebalancing.

    The real problem is many champs would be preforming great right now but could fall short in the future with many new champs getting released. And also many underperforming champs could become so good with new ranks.

    So if kabam decides to rebalance the champs which are underperforming now and they become too good in the future it will definitely affect the sales of the new release of champions. So if they decide to release some nuke champs to increase sakes it will also come back to them as they progress through ranks.

    This all could happen or i could be wrong. If you think i am wrong at anyplace you can tell me no worries.
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