Hyperion Unduped and Venom without Relic worth r2 for this BGs Season?

Like the title says, my 7* Hyperion is unawakened and my 7* Venom only has a 4* rarity for the relic. Venom is also unduped

Are either or both worth taking up for this season?

Are either or both worth taking up for this season?
Hyperion Unduped and Venom without Relic worth r2 for this BGs Season? 39 votes
Venom doesn't care. Even a 4* relic is gonna boost his bleeds.
My last fight VS a 7R3 Overseer
But the Guage does fill, eventually, haha
Venom is light years better than an unduped hyperion.
But you don't need the relic itself but rather the sig ability which places indefinite bleed vulnerabilities for each buff on you, and also increase your crit rating for each buff. 4* relic is sufficient if it's duped. Max the relic out for increase crit rating
But does the 4* relic has that slot which increases crit rating for each buff? If no, 5* relic would be better.