BG matchmaking is ridiculous

I have literally been facing exclusively 6-9mil total hero rating accounts and I am in GOLD. How can it be this grindy to get the vision piece and we have to face these opponents. Idk, kinda stupid. Holy moly… not looking forward to this grind.
Whales are stomping everyone, they should move up significantly fast due to +2 medals and 10k Titans
BUT,..the reality is all people (valiants included), have limited time to spend in the game.
With it being so close to 4th of July deals many people prioritize the arenas over any other game mode.
So yes, will most definitely be a problem all season,..and the 7 star and Titan shards comp will be there for the entirety of it,.,wether you jump in day one,..or the final week.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
When I saw Pepe pop up I was like bruh
But yea it took me a full 2 matches before I matched with a guy from NewN. I didn’t forfeit but mentally I basically had. I got my one win afterwards so now imma just sit back and wait out the chaos😉 of the first few days.
Had to go back & look at the photo to see. Well played...👏👏👏
Maybe I'm soaking up all the noobness in Gold? Even had a quitout but when his top champ was a 6r4 I kinda get it.