What are the AW victory/loss points based on?

Can someone tell me how is this calculated? I could never really bother to find out but this is the first time when I see anything less than 48 points.

If your alliance was similar to others when you were at say +/- 48 change in WR,
I’d venture to guess your last opponent was actually lower rated (roster wise, although maybe WR wise might contribute a little also ?)
So to win a war where you were the clear stronger team, you get less WR increase (and they would similarly have a lower WR Drop because they were outgunned).
But during the war, when you saw the POTENTIAL +/-, where the + was 32, did you see a - being some larger number ?? As in, if you still ended up losing to a much lower alliance, your WR would take a larger hit to it (while rewarding that lower team with a similar greater WR increase if they managed to beat you).
That's sort of what I’ve seen before, when matched against different strength alliances over the years.