Who’s this absolutely trash skill champion from 2022? 1.5 damae that’s only 0.5 above Groot…
Valk? Edit: if it's Mantis I'm out of here...
I think mantis was bad before rebalance (I think she was rebalanced). I'm not sure about her rebalance tho.
She wasn't bad, she just struggled on certain matchups with a lot of armor or crit resistance like Doom or massive healthpools like Sasquatch. Now she's able to do those matchups as well but she wasn't too bad before, she was solid just needed a bit more.
Ok I’m gonna do 1 because I found a fun one. Who’s this champ with such high damage? Science and spider verse
Is this ham?
Nope. It’s the brand new science god who’s sweeping the meta, it’s spider-punk!
Punk’s damage really ain’t anything special, I got him from a titan and unawakened it’s actually terrible, he’s taking 2 minutes to finish rol healthpools…
Ok I’m gonna do 1 because I found a fun one. Who’s this champ with such high damage? Science and spider verse
Is this ham?
Nope. It’s the brand new science god who’s sweeping the meta, it’s spider-punk!
Punk’s damage really ain’t anything special, I got him from a titan and unawakened it’s actually terrible, he’s taking 2 minutes to finish rol healthpools…
Pray that rebalancing takes him to the target numbers shown here lol
What I honestly find the funniest is that punk is listed as a 3.5/5 defender, tougher than dust at 3/5. Not sure how they reached that conclusion
Id say thats true for dust as shes a good defender but if u push sp2 she isnt bad and was to not get sandstorm but punk being higher maybe false i wont know as havent faced this meta yet in war to determine his strength i just know based on eq being annoying but not as bad as dust
What I honestly find the funniest is that punk is listed as a 3.5/5 defender, tougher than dust at 3/5. Not sure how they reached that conclusion
Id say thats true for dust as shes a good defender but if u push sp2 she isnt bad and was to not get sandstorm but punk being higher maybe false i wont know as havent faced this meta yet in war to determine his strength i just know based on eq being annoying but not as bad as dust
Well yea the more I’ve played against dust the less annoying she’s become, but punk is still by no means more difficult lol
What I honestly find the funniest is that punk is listed as a 3.5/5 defender, tougher than dust at 3/5. Not sure how they reached that conclusion
Id say thats true for dust as shes a good defender but if u push sp2 she isnt bad and was to not get sandstorm but punk being higher maybe false i wont know as havent faced this meta yet in war to determine his strength i just know based on eq being annoying but not as bad as dust
I hate defenders whose block you cannot hit, like dust and red skull + dust randomly applies sand, Her sp1 is not punishable atleast for me, and you have to always dex it. Without a counter she's annoying to fight. Spunk has nothing special in his kit, Can't intercept him, he evades and puts you in stun. His sp1 is easily dodgable and he won't have any random evade/autoblock/miss like other spiderverse heroes.
Who’s this champ with such high damage? Science and spider verse
Spunk has nothing special in his kit, Can't intercept him, he evades and puts you in stun. His sp1 is easily dodgable and he won't have any random evade/autoblock/miss like other spiderverse heroes.