7* typing crystal odds

Does anybody understand the crystal odds when it comes to champion types. Out of my first 15ish 7* crystals I had gotten no tech champs out of any of the crystals. Now my last 4 7* pulls (excluding 1 mystic dupe) have been tech champs. Just wondering if there is an explanation


  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,575 ★★★★
    there is no odds with champion types. It’s random. When i first started opening 7* the first 4 were all science type. Now from 1 magnetron and 2 basics have all been skill. Just happens due to coincidence.
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 506 ★★★
    Don’t agree with all champion types being random. There’s no advertisement about this. How many times have you pulled Hercules out of 6 star crystals vs any other generic champ? I think game weighs different champions differently.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,756 ★★★★★
    15? Buddy I got my first 7* tech champ as my 31 st 7*.

    Ok here's the deal, each class has a chance of 16.67%, While cosmic class has a slightly lower chance of 16.65%
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,581 ★★★★★
    I can't remember the last time I pulled Onslaught, serpant, Bullseye from Titan 🙄🙄
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    I pulled Hawkeye 3 times from a 7 star in the last month, it’s tough
  • JLordVileJLordVile Member Posts: 283 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    I can't remember the last time I pulled Onslaught, serpant, Bullseye from Titan 🙄🙄

    pulled bullseye from my first and only titan. its all rng.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    edited June 2024
    I think @DNA3000 can back me up on this one, I know math can be fuzzy, and everything, but..

    (as an example, don’t want to go look at who all is in whichever crystal you are asking about..)
    If there happens to be twice as many SCIENCE champs as there are TECH champs in a particular crystal, then yes, getting someone from the SCIENCE class will have TWICE AS MUCH ODDS as getting someone from the TECH class would.

    So yes, a crystal can have mismatched CLASS ODDS.

    @Shadow_Shooter ,
    But as for INDIVIDUAL CHAMPS, then each champ has the SAME odds as any other champ, for Basic Crystals or (ie, 15,000 shard) Featured crystals.
    (*not talking about Champ-Specific Featured crystals where that certain champ has a set/increased odds vs the rest of the pool)

  • JLordVileJLordVile Member Posts: 283 ★★
    edited June 2024
    Let me make this clear. You have the same chance (or basically the same chance)of opening 10 basic 6 star crystals and getting hercules from all 10 or opening 10 and getting groot from all 10 or openign 10 and getting mantis, 2 gamoras, 3 rocket raccons and 4 iron men. There is no champ that has a higher chance of dropping. For arguments sake, assume that there are 100 champions in the base pool. Each champ has 1% percent chance of dropping. For someone to have a higher chance of dropping, like many people insinuate, they would have to "be on the dice twice" if you get what i mean.Like in a 6 sided dice, for the chance of rolling a 3 to be more than a 4 you would have to have more 3s on the dice than 4. But on a 6 sided dice there is only 1 2 3 4 5 6. All equal chances. WIth the 100 champions it is an equal chance. Now you could roll the dice and get 2 50 times. You could roll the dice and get 6 50 times. The chances are even. Now in game, imagine each champ is a side of a dice. There are non there more than others and so there is an equal chance for all of them. Lets say techs are even and science is odd. The chances of getting either are completely random so really if you get a ton of one class it is all rng- random number generation. The game doesnt reduce the chance of you getting hercules or smth.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    Does anybody understand the crystal odds when it comes to champion types. Out of my first 15ish 7* crystals I had gotten no tech champs out of any of the crystals. Now my last 4 7* pulls (excluding 1 mystic dupe) have been tech champs. Just wondering if there is an explanation

    If I toss a coin and I got 5 times Head , should I question it is it rigged or not 😂😂
  • Super_Cretu90Super_Cretu90 Member Posts: 272 ★★
    I received my first 7* science champion after 20-21 crystals.
    After 13 or 14 crystals opened, i did not have any technology champion in my rooster, but until i reached to 20 x7* opened crystals, i received Guillotine 2009 twice, Guardian and Iron Man. Haha!

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian

    Does anybody understand the crystal odds when it comes to champion types. Out of my first 15ish 7* crystals I had gotten no tech champs out of any of the crystals. Now my last 4 7* pulls (excluding 1 mystic dupe) have been tech champs. Just wondering if there is an explanation

    1. Random sequences will produce strange patterns if you look at enough of them. So while this sequence is very uncommon, you have to consider that there are thousands of players opening millions of crystals, and oddball sequences will show up from time to time.

    2. It can be difficult, after the fact, to actually calculate the odds of a particular sequence showing up, because people "reverse engineer" sequences after seeing them to make them seem more unusual or significant. For example, I don't have anything as extreme as yours, but in my 7* pulls I do have this sequence:

    13 pulls with no tech, then two techs in a row. If you directly calculate the odds of this happening, you probably get something like one in 385. But really, that's just me looking over 94 pulls and finding something that sounds interesting after the fact. Here are all of my pulls, and I'll even color code them:

    Stare long enough, and you'll see all sorts of patterns. In fact, this set of crystal pulls seems even less random than mine:

    Only, those aren't actually crystal pulls. They are actually just a sequence of random numbers pulled from random.org, an internet accessible random number source that uses atmospheric noise to produce their random numbers. There's no computer algorithmic pRNG involved. I just converted those random numbers into classes for display purposes. Does it look random? The original source is about as random as random gets. It does contain a six in a row sequence of mutants, which my own data lacks. The naive odds against are 7776 to 1 for six mutants, and 1296 to 1 for any six in a row. And here they are showing up in a sequence of 94 "drops" generated by atmospheric random noise.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian

    Don’t agree with all champion types being random. There’s no advertisement about this. How many times have you pulled Hercules out of 6 star crystals vs any other generic champ? I think game weighs different champions differently.

    Herc is very rare in the basic crystal. So is Elektra, Colossus, Venom, Green Goblin, Thor, Sasquatch, Thing, Void, Groot, Loki, Omega Sentinel, Falcon, Heimdall, Domino, MODOK, X-23, Jane Foster, and Howard the Duck. All champs are rare when there are over 250 champs in the pool. Of course you're going to pull any one champ far less than "any other generic champ."

    Out of all the 6* champs in the basic pool, two of the last ones that I pulled outside of the new champs added to the pull were Superior Iron Man and Iron Patriot. I didn't pull either from any 6* crystal until just last year. If Kabam is weighting champs, then those are the rare ones.


    1. Kabam explicitly states that unless otherwise specified (for example in featured crystals), no particular champ is any more or less likely to drop from a champion crystal. They've stated this literally dozens of times publicly, and it is specified in their knowledgebase article on crystal odds: https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052575131-I-Do-Not-Like-What-I-Got-in-My-Crystal-s

    To quote:

    We strongly believe in keeping The Contest fair for all of our players and as such:

    - There are no specific drop rates for individuals.
    - Drop rates are not affected by how much money is spent in the game.
    - Specific Champions do not have a higher drop rate than any other unless otherwise noted in the drop rates on the crystal.

    2. While it is impossible to prove that champion drop odds are exactly equal, it is possible to debunk specific claims of inequality. Where such claims have been made with specificity, they have always either been consistent with random drops, or demonstrably proven false. This has happened many times in the past, and not only by me. In a couple cases in the past drop odds were crowd sourced and determined to be within the bounds of random chance with none of the skew some players accused the crystal of having. I also seem to recall Kabam releasing some crystal opening data not long ago to debunk one of these claims, but it currently escapes my memory when and where that was.

    People are going to believe what they want to believe. But the overwhelming amount of evidence is the crystals are random, and random in the manner Kabam describes. And to the extent that they might not be random, the difference has to be so small so as to have escaped all of the analysis done on them, which means the difference has to be so small no human could ever claim to have observed them with their own eyes without performing a detailed data analysis on millions of crystals. The difference has to be small enough that no player will likely ever open enough crystals in their own account to prove it exists.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,817 ★★★★★
    The odds of you get

    i did not have any technology champion

    I know that they're technology champs, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone call them anything other than tech champs.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    I have suffered from recency bias in the past when it came to crystal pulls. We all have at some point. Some of us have more in one class than others, seem to pull a certain champ more often than what we deem normal.

    I've had instances of looking for a champ, going through featureds, then basics, then nexus and not pulling the champ I was hoping for. Then, I pull that champ in back to back crystals. We see instances of these much less than when someone pulls 2 SIMs in a row.

    Lucky paws, holding your device upside down, Pep method, telling a random friend to tap the screen...all in the hopes that the 1/275 chance to pull the champ you're looking for is gonna happen. Gotta love it.
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