Bugged Victory Shields - Diamond 1 ?! [yes, official comms]

So i just got into Diamond 1 with the 7* shards. Now suddenly my victory shield count went from 8 to 12,000+ and i can't actually use the feature. Anyone else have this bug??

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
But you may have found something.
2 other threads (with additional replies) said they had some erroneous # for Shields too.
1 said it was suddenly corrected at some point later (don’t know if it corrected itself after advancing yet another level or not ?)
But yours might be the first to mention that you evidently had a correct amount visible before, and just after reaching Diamond-1 did you see it go haywire.
As you advance, can you track if (and when) it corrects itself.
@Johnnoooooo 's thread, and maybe same count for @MFMayhem and @Gkevery too ?
They just didn’t say what Level they were at.
@Kabam Jax
But what if the expanded # of Tiers (levels) in each has caused Victory Shield routine to mistakenly think you have advanced out of Vibranium (based in old # of Levels), and so thinks you’re not allowed to use them. But some other part of routine still shows them to you, but thus with a wrong number because of the 1st part ?
How many levels in each group did there used to be ? Was it 3 across the board, or did some have 4 before ?
Once i reached Vibranium 5 the shield is back to the correct number and i can use it.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
When I got in this morning, the game team was aware and was working on a fix. I expect to see this issue resolved in-game shortly!
Thank you for your patience!