Super Daily Event. Why take it down to hear feedbacks? Make it permanent already.

The game is so much more fun now. Can rank up my champs when I want without having to wait for the level up event, less confusing events etc. I don't want to go back to the old format and everyone that is sane do not want it either
Great account upgrade ranking up champs
If they see more players playing, its a success. If they don't, it is not. Whether people like it or not is a secondary benefit.
Gotta love the reward centers of the brain!!
With that said, this event can't really be avoided...i.e. you pretty much automatically get the milestones just by doing literally anything in the game for a few minutes. The only way to avoid doing so is by just not playing...
Which defeats the purpose of the whole event...
So basically they're getting a "contaminated sample" of data...
There's no real way they can tell whether or not this event encourages true engagement...
Unless they ask players directly if they like it 🤷 😏 🤪