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Victory Track 2 medals per victory

Mik81Mik81 Posts: 88 ★★
When there is only 1 medal to advance to the next tier and you win. You are not getting 2 medals. You get 1 and advance to the next tier.

I don't remember seen that in the official post or the simulations of number of matches that you would need to do now with the new system. I may have missed that.

I'm asking to see if this is a bug or it is intended, if it is intended you are having to do more matches that what I expected.

Thanks for the answers,


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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    It's always been like that
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    Mik81Mik81 Posts: 88 ★★
    It is what it is, I guess. It is just weird to see Victory 1 medal, and then reading in the forum:

    Regardless of what tier you are competing in, all Summoners will receive TWO medals for a win and lose only ONE medal for a loss.

    So I got confused. You are getting 2 medals, unless...

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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,537 ★★★★★
    It’s intended, has been this way in the lower tiers that have always had +2 system and communicated previously. The extra medals have not ever carried into the new tier.
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    Mik81Mik81 Posts: 88 ★★
    Thanks for the answers !!
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,380 Guardian
    edited June 26
    The +2 / -1 across all tiers is new, that is what the announcement meant.
    Before, different tier ranges may have had something different than +2 / -1.

    But it has always been that if you were just 1 medal away, and in a tier that gave you 2 medals for a win, you always just reached the endpoint and advanced to next tier (excess medals from a win were never carried INTO the next tier).
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