Odin - a lot of players thinks he’s a pre-fight and synergy champ…and he’s great for that, but he’s sooooo much more 🧨💥🔥
Do you go for the sp1 then sp2 or just straight sp2?
Heavy > SP1 > SP2 is how i play him, but it also depends on the defender…if its Bullseye, I spam sp1s due to his evade. VS Photon I might do a few sp1s, and dance around and trigger her sp1, before I finish her with an SP2…i don’t want her to get an sp2.
Cheeith She is such a great champion I cannot emphasize this enough MAD DAMAGE when you do the regular heavy countering rotation. Great for hazard nodes due to a low hit count, great survivability due to her grizzly ability and REGEN. Great against bleed immune (photon) when awakened. She'll only continue to grow in the community as people learn more about her and her uses. Also has top 3 highest damage potential in the skill class but that's a convo for another evening.
OG Black panther used to be underrated but is getting a lot of love these days, red guardian too. DDHK or Sorceror Supreme for me, personal opinion ofc.
The undercover best science champ, Luke cage, is an absolute monster with damage amd utility, been a staple every season off BGs/putting in insane work in t2/t3 wars and is just a solid quest champ
Vulture, and I will die (or at least lose a BG match) on that hill especially before iDoom.
Can deal with annoying imo defenders. -long armor breaks -easy access to power drain -Armor up -immunities (though often needs a synergy partner for more unique ones)
Vulture, and I will die (or at least lose a BG match) on that hill especially before iDoom.
Can deal with annoying imo defenders. -long armor breaks -easy access to power drain -Armor up -immunities (though often needs a synergy partner for more unique ones)
He would make a fine 7 star. One thing I would change is to give him a prefight for his dash incinerates. He is a great Bishop counter but he inflicts incinerates when he dashes back, which obviously Bishop loves. Or if they change it to plasma against mutants
Mutant: Professor X
Tech: Punisher 2099
Cosmic: Angela
Mystic: Ebony Maw
Science: Mr Fantastic
Of course this one
She is such a great champion I cannot emphasize this enough MAD DAMAGE when you do the regular heavy countering rotation. Great for hazard nodes due to a low hit count, great survivability due to her grizzly ability and REGEN. Great against bleed immune (photon) when awakened.
She'll only continue to grow in the community as people learn more about her and her uses.
Also has top 3 highest damage potential in the skill class but that's a convo for another evening.
Can deal with annoying imo defenders.
-long armor breaks
-easy access to power drain
-Armor up
-immunities (though often needs a synergy partner for more unique ones)