Make blade the most fun and useful champion with just one change

The_losttierThe_losttier Member Posts: 131 ★★
I just think blade can be complete useful with only one change and that’s remove his synergy with ghost rider and put that synergy in his kit


  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    So you pulled a 7* Blade from Titan.

    As a nostalgic blade sympathiser, that's just way too op against mystics.

    He need to be nerfed and then buffed.
    He can turn off the node at the start of the fight.
    Naw mate, I don't see that happening.

    Nerfing his old kit will make some blade users mad. Not me tho, I want a nerf followed by an actual numbers buff.

    That's not the GR synergy that's Mephisto, GR only expands to villains which wouldn't be busted in the slightest. It's not like he's shutting down an entire class, Mephisto synergy is a different story and would be busted indeed.
    Expanding to #Villains wouldn't be nearly as bad as #Metal already is. That's been ridiculously overrepresented and keeps expanding.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    Alright alright, I messed up the synergies.
    But then, mystic class vs more than twice the number of villains, I don't see it happening either.

    People can disagree. But kabam won't allow it. Do I want it, heck yeah. Is it realistic? Not really.

    He broke everything in the game at his launch. Everyone had him as top profile champ.

    The following year and still, 90% of villains and mystic champs had to pass blade test.
    They started with bleed immunity, thanos children were not given villain tag lol.
    People FAUGHT over years to give Chavez dimensional tag. Same goes for rintrah. Rip aarkus.
    They released 1 champ with dimensional tag after 3 years of his launch. Purgatory 💀

    Blades aar from synergy does not pass today's game standards to be available in his kit. It just won't happen. Expecting somthing like that is setting yourself for disappointment. The devs are still trembling from the blade terror idk why?
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    The thing is they were/are (idek why) so afraid of blade they put extra efforts to stop him even after 3-4 years.
    I just glanced at the villains and mystic releases from 2018- 2021. And they all followed the same trend.
    I argued strongly in past on cases like aarkus, Chavez and rintrah threads. I remember the threads people just asking why they were not given dimensional beings tag. And miike made a comment which was not logical lol.

    In story mode, blade can still stop nodes to activate from the get go.
    One of the things I know people did, i never did it cuz I don't know lol, l that players used to Force restart a fight to check if he shuts a node off. Exploits are not common but they were there.

    I'm totally on the side of blade getting a boost.
    I like his smooth animations and how great it felt to use him. But then kabam treat him like a monster and they did their best to not let him rise again.

    This is by their definition. Just like quake, magik discussion. He did stuff they didn't want him to do.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,706 ★★★★
    Just make his bleeds critical bleeds…
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★

    Alright alright, I messed up the synergies.
    But then, mystic class vs more than twice the number of villains, I don't see it happening either.

    People can disagree. But kabam won't allow it. Do I want it, heck yeah. Is it realistic? Not really.

    He broke everything in the game at his launch. Everyone had him as top profile champ.

    The following year and still, 90% of villains and mystic champs had to pass blade test.
    They started with bleed immunity, thanos children were not given villain tag lol.
    People FAUGHT over years to give Chavez dimensional tag. Same goes for rintrah. Rip aarkus.
    They released 1 champ with dimensional tag after 3 years of his launch. Purgatory 💀

    Blades aar from synergy does not pass today's game standards to be available in his kit. It just won't happen. Expecting somthing like that is setting yourself for disappointment. The devs are still trembling from the blade terror idk why?

    Ehhh he breaks some stuff when you use the trinity with Starky not just the GR synergy.
    Two things:
    1. You're forgetting that aar is only 40% at base
    2. The main thing that would make a difference is the attack rating increase but the 7* kinda needs it so he stops being trash lol.

    Luke Cage can apply a concussion of 150% with a single sp2 (on the entire mystic class) and keep it up for the rest of the fight, do you see anyone claiming Luke is broken? What about Crossbones? -100% aar after a single sp1 if you're fighting a #hero and you can easily keep it up for the rest of the fight. Blade's aar is barely 40%, that's not even half of what these others can do and the trade off would be it's active the whole fight without you having to do anything.
    I think you're severely overestimating how strong that aar is without the +45% increased potency from the Starky synergy.
    40% aar on all villain champs is not broken at all. Crossbones defensive aar would still be waaay more reliable.
    Pacify mastery can make it upto 70% aar reduction which would be really OP. 70% aar reduction Against an entire class, or against 30-35% of all champs (villains) would be OP.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    Alright alright, I messed up the synergies.
    But then, mystic class vs more than twice the number of villains, I don't see it happening either.

    People can disagree. But kabam won't allow it. Do I want it, heck yeah. Is it realistic? Not really.

    He broke everything in the game at his launch. Everyone had him as top profile champ.

    The following year and still, 90% of villains and mystic champs had to pass blade test.
    They started with bleed immunity, thanos children were not given villain tag lol.
    People FAUGHT over years to give Chavez dimensional tag. Same goes for rintrah. Rip aarkus.
    They released 1 champ with dimensional tag after 3 years of his launch. Purgatory 💀

    Blades aar from synergy does not pass today's game standards to be available in his kit. It just won't happen. Expecting somthing like that is setting yourself for disappointment. The devs are still trembling from the blade terror idk why?

    Ehhh he breaks some stuff when you use the trinity with Starky not just the GR synergy.
    Two things:
    1. You're forgetting that aar is only 40% at base
    2. The main thing that would make a difference is the attack rating increase but the 7* kinda needs it so he stops being trash lol.

    Luke Cage can apply a concussion of 150% with a single sp2 (on the entire mystic class) and keep it up for the rest of the fight, do you see anyone claiming Luke is broken? What about Crossbones? -100% aar after a single sp1 if you're fighting a #hero and you can easily keep it up for the rest of the fight. Blade's aar is barely 40%, that's not even half of what these others can do and the trade off would be it's active the whole fight without you having to do anything.
    I think you're severely overestimating how strong that aar is without the +45% increased potency from the Starky synergy.
    40% aar on all villain champs is not broken at all. Crossbones defensive aar would still be waaay more reliable.
    Pacify mastery can make it upto 70% aar reduction which would be really OP. 70% aar reduction Against an entire class, or against 30-35% of all champs (villains) would be OP.
    For how long? 0.5 seconds? Cause every single person I know runs limber, pacify only works while the defender is stunned and even without limber it would still be 1 second barely. If you think that aar being lowered by up to 70% for 0.5-1 seconds is op idk what to say tbh, absolutely speechless.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    The thing is they were/are (idek why) so afraid of blade they put extra efforts to stop him even after 3-4 years.
    I just glanced at the villains and mystic releases from 2018- 2021. And they all followed the same trend.
    I argued strongly in past on cases like aarkus, Chavez and rintrah threads. I remember the threads people just asking why they were not given dimensional beings tag. And miike made a comment which was not logical lol.

    In story mode, blade can still stop nodes to activate from the get go.
    One of the things I know people did, i never did it cuz I don't know lol, l that players used to Force restart a fight to check if he shuts a node off. Exploits are not common but they were there.

    I'm totally on the side of blade getting a boost.
    I like his smooth animations and how great it felt to use him. But then kabam treat him like a monster and they did their best to not let him rise again.

    This is by their definition. Just like quake, magik discussion. He did stuff they didn't want him to do.

    The game was very different back then, Star-Lord was a top 5 champ still so of course Blade with the full synergy team was busted, we had never seen anything so powerful before for questing but the game has changed A LOT since then and even if danger sense triggered against villains Blade still wouldn't even be top 5.
    Why? Well, back to my first point, he is a monster still but he needs both GR and Starky to be that kind of monster, if you only give him GR he gets a nice amount of attack rating and 40% aar but nothing too crazy. You throw Starky synergy in there and not only does the aar go up to like 85% he also gets a **** ton of damage which THEN would absolutely be busted.
    Let's just use a 7* r3 as an example, he gets 5.4k attack rating when danger sense is active, which is really good of course, it's exactly what he needs as a matter of fact cause his damage without danger sense is trash. However, you add Starky into the mix and you get 6.5k increased attack rating plus 85% aar now that would absolutely be busted. 5.4k attack rating and 40% aar however? Not at all, the damage isn't busted, and the aar wouldn't exactly be 100% reliable, pair that up with the fact it would only work against villains and dimensional beings and you'll realize it's really not as busted as you think.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    Kabam can tell you more about it. They are the ones who are afraid of him. They have the numbers.

    I'm in the favor of a buff. But not the one which cancel nodes and buffs at the start of the fight.
    He does galan and spot fights in 35-45 seconds. Fam in 40-60. Imagine doing that to any villian.
    I have a friend with r2 blade, we tested plenty a season or two ago. This is in BGs.

    I can't demand a 40 second nuker out of him.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,371 ★★★★
    Blade was the only champ who could turn off matador node that's op aF
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    Kabam can tell you more about it. They are the ones who are afraid of him. They have the numbers.

    I'm in the favor of a buff. But not the one which cancel nodes and buffs at the start of the fight.
    He does galan and spot fights in 35-45 seconds. Fam in 40-60. Imagine doing that to any villian.
    I have a friend with r2 blade, we tested plenty a season or two ago. This is in BGs.

    I can't demand a 40 second nuker out of him.

    You keep saying "cancel nodes and buffs" as if the aar was 100%, it's 40% do you understand how percentages work?

    I can name 10 champs that can also nuke Spot and Galan in 35 and I can name another 10 that can do FAM in 40, are all of those broken?
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    Bg nodes are aar immune anyway, but how do you not realise it will effect the game outside of BGs.

    So you just want another nuke attacker for BG, is that what you are saying?
    Blade broke the game, he doesn't break BGs.
    Those are his fights. With dimensional tags.

    Blades aar is more broken than domino's.
    Try to fight a Blade with cgr or galan. This will make the whole villain tag useless if he is placed on defense.

    As a matter of fact, he is never going to get danger sense in his base kit. (Not without some changes atleast aka nerf)
    I don't see the point of beating this dead horse.

    Devs have been great with the buffs lately,
    They can/will find other ways to buff him but this is not it.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Honestly, if it wasn't for Blade, we probably wouldn't have this game and all the movies that came after him. #justiceforblade

    (I don't have a 7* Blade).
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★

    So you pulled a 7* Blade from Titan.

    As a nostalgic blade sympathiser, that's just way too op against mystics.

    He need to be nerfed and then buffed.
    He can turn off the node at the start of the fight.
    Naw mate, I don't see that happening.

    Nerfing his old kit will make some blade users mad. Not me tho, I want a nerf followed by an actual numbers buff.

    That's not the GR synergy that's Mephisto, GR only expands to villains which wouldn't be busted in the slightest. It's not like he's shutting down an entire class, Mephisto synergy is a different story and would be busted indeed.
    Expanding to #Villains wouldn't be nearly as bad as #Metal already is. That's been ridiculously overrepresented and keeps expanding.
    There's 87 #metal champions and 86 #villain champions.

  • The_losttierThe_losttier Member Posts: 131 ★★
    If we are gonna talk about nuke champions we have plenty of that *cough* CGR *cough* and you know someday they will announce those nuke champions on 7*. My point is one simple synergy doesn’t make him ultra op mega nuke (like magneto with #metal) and this post is something that the dev need to see
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    There’s a lot of simple changes like this that would make alot of champions a lot more useful. I would love it if kabam took a month off buffs to implement some of these synergies into base kits. Another example would be Things synergy with human torch,
    It could make defense only champ actually viable on offense. Not all synergies should be included obviously but for some champs that are reliant on a synergy just to be viable it could be a game changer.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    If people argue that it's too OP for him to counter all Mystics or all Villains, why not... All Mystic villains?

    Personally I think Danger Sense could also be expanded to include the #Legion of Monsters, which covers the kind of opponents that seem appropriate for Blade.

    Either, or both, of these expansions to his Danger Sense could be placed in his Sig ability for a little balance.

    Personally, I think he needs a bit more work than just being able to activate Danger Sense against more opponents. Here's a rework suggestion, aiming to give him a decent damage boost on his SP2, plus a few nuggets of utility that don't completely revolve around Bleed/Danger Sense:


    Stats for 6* 5/65
    Class: Skill
    Attack 4504
    Health 49414

    The Daywalker
    Whilst near a bleeding opponent, Blade gains +1801 Attack, and he generates 6% of a bar of Power per second for each stack of bleed. Additionally, whilst Blade is nearby, the opponent's passive power gain is reduced by 20% per stack of bleed, and the power denied is transferred to Blade.

    Blade's vampiric nature also reduces degeneration damage and the duration of debuffs, rising with increasing power (max benefits at two full bars of power):
    • At zero power: -20% degeneration damage and -30% debuff duration
    • Two bars or more: -60% degeneration damage and -90% debuff duration
    Danger Sense:
    Danger Sense triggers at the start of the fight against all opponents carrying the tags #Dimensional Being or #Legion of Monsters.
    Whilst Danger Sense is active, Blade gains +3603 Attack and +422 Critical Rating: and his opponent's ability accuracy is reduced by 45%. Additionally, any Fury or Precision buffs that Blade would gain become Passives instead, and gain +45% duration.

    Well-timed blocks:
    Well-timed blocks reduce the opponents Offensive Ability Accuracy by -45%, and inflict a Bleed debuff for 1688 damage over three seconds.
    If a Bleed is prevented due to an Immunity, Blade then shifts to a more defensive posture; and subsequent well-timed blocks instead benefit from +1225 Block Proficiency and an additional flat -20% Offensive Ability Accuracy.

    Critical hits
    When striking with his sword, Critical hits have a 70% chance to Inflict Bleed, causing 1688 damage over 3 seconds. If these Bleeds fail due to immunity, Blade instead gains a Cruelty passive granting +182 Critical Damage Rating for five seconds. These Passives stack to a max of nine, and expire one at a time.

    Heavy Attacks
    Blade's Heavy attack inflicts a Disorient debuff reducing the opponent's ability accuracy by 35% for five seconds. Whilst the opponent is bleeding, this debuff expires half as quickly.

    Signature Ability:
    Enhanced Danger Sense - Blade's Danger Sense expands to include Mystic opponents who are also #Villains, as well as all #Deathless champions.
    Vampiric Immortality - When he is below 70% health and holding Block, Blade's healing factor consumes his own power to recover 2407 health/s, at a cost of 35% to 20% of a bar of power. If Blade is prevented from gaining health, this ability will not trigger.

    Special Attacks
    If activated whilst the opponent is bleeding, or whilst Blade has three or more personal Cruelty passives, activate a Fury buff granting +3603 Attack for six seconds, and paused during the Special Attack. Max stacks 1.

    SP1 - Inflicts Bleed for 4504 damage over 12s.

    SP2 - This attack benefits from +4200 Critical Rating, and any critical hits inflict Bleed for 1024 damage over 1s. For each bleed inflicted, Blade instantly generates 6% of a bar of Power.

    SP3 - Inflict three stacks of bleed, inflicting 6305 damage over 12s
    80% chance to inflict Stun for 3s


    Obviously individual numbers could be tweaked up or down - any other thoughts?
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Anyone who says this change would be groundbreaking must not realize Falcon basically does the same thing. With his locked on ability he shuts down so many annoying abilities and makes a ton of defenders easy. Giving that ability to Blade would be awesome and not a problem whatsoever
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    Isn’t Blade known for hunting down vampires and supernatural threats (mystics), not regular supervillains?
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★
    edited June 2024

    Bg nodes are aar immune anyway, but how do you not realise it will effect the game outside of BGs.

    So you just want another nuke attacker for BG, is that what you are saying?
    Blade broke the game, he doesn't break BGs.
    Those are his fights. With dimensional tags.

    Blades aar is more broken than domino's.
    Try to fight a Blade with cgr or galan. This will make the whole villain tag useless if he is placed on defense.

    As a matter of fact, he is never going to get danger sense in his base kit. (Not without some changes atleast aka nerf)
    I don't see the point of beating this dead horse.

    Devs have been great with the buffs lately,
    They can/will find other ways to buff him but this is not it.

    It will but not to the extent you think it will because for the tenth time it's 40% not 100%.

    How many nuke attackers have we had this year so far?

    He broke the game back when Star-Lord was still top 5, even if the GR synergy was base-kit he wouldn't even be close to doing what Kate Mantis Crossbones etc can do and he sure as hell wouldn't break anything.

    Really?! I had no idea you could trap certain attackers with certain defenders to the point it's a guaranteed loss for the person attacking! Such as when you place Domino and she absolutely annihilates any attacker that isn't a tech with aar immunity or energy resistance, crazy concept, surely it doesn't exist in the game yet.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    That's the whole point of this thread, he needs a buff and adding the GR synergy to his kit at base is the easiest way without breaking anything.

    Jeez this guy is so dense. For the eleventh time I guess, that was back when Star-Lord was still top 5 in the whole game lol. The game has changed a lot since then, Blade even with full synergy team isn't broken compared to actual powerhouses from every single class.
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 412 ★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    Why are you being so defensive about the Blade buff. If it happens it happens. A lot of the good stuff that he has is locked into the signature ability and his synergy. Thats the main reason people get mad..cos he needs those synergies to be great, if you happen to pull him.
    Although Kabam may choose not to buff him anytime soon but we can speculate and have some good discussion on what can be possible buffs for him, the way you wording these make it seem like he is gonna be broken with a little bit of change..chill mate. It ain't that deep we got much more broken champs and hard ass defenders already.
  • ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Member Posts: 154
    Yes, please make him useful!!
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,371 ★★★★
    Don't forget blade can bypass aar immunity
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