Make blade the most fun and useful champion with just one change



  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,643 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    Yeah but a simple way to fix it is to put a synergy (either Mephisto or GR) into his base kit and he will be relevant again. That's what the OP's saying
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    Don't forget blade can bypass aar immunity

    It's still barely 40% aar not 100%, no big deal.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    That's the whole point of this thread, he needs a buff and adding the GR synergy to his kit at base is the easiest way without breaking anything.

    Jeez this guy is so dense. For the eleventh time I guess, that was back when Star-Lord was still top 5 in the whole game lol. The game has changed a lot since then, Blade even with full synergy team isn't broken compared to actual powerhouses from every single class.

    Talk to the devs. Ask them. Why this synergy can not be added in his base kit. Get an answer.
    Do that.

    You don't have a clue do you. You were not present at that time. Comparing blade with starlord, people didn't use starlord In 2018, 2019, 2020.
    The difference you do not understand is the difference between a power house and game breaking node breaking champion.
    That was my initial comment in this thread. He stopped things which he wasn't supposed to.

    You can calm down with the name calling.
    Why are you being disrespectful if someone see the things from different perspective?
    Community logic doesnt always incline with game logic.

    Good luck getting his synergy in his base kit lmao. Never gonna happen.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,372 ★★★★

    Don't forget blade can bypass aar immunity

    It's still barely 40% aar not 100%, no big deal.
    It's unconditional. That's why it's *only* 40%. It is a big deal
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    Why are you being so defensive about the Blade buff. If it happens it happens. A lot of the good stuff that he has is locked into the signature ability and his synergy. Thats the main reason people get mad..cos he needs those synergies to be great, if you happen to pull him.
    Although Kabam may choose not to buff him anytime soon but we can speculate and have some good discussion on what can be possible buffs for him, the way you wording these make it seem like he is gonna be broken with a little bit of change..chill mate. It ain't that deep we got much more broken champs and hard ass defenders already.
    There is only one thing I can say, and I have repeated it multiple times.
    It has gone to the point where it is not getting through. They just don't do buffs with tags and synergies.

    And you are right sir, we can speculate and have a good discussion, what he need is a buff.
    And the only thing that stopping this thread from being productive is, kabam don't do synergies. It is unreasonable to expect it.

    Don't you remember the quality of champions released after blade. I can't explain this to the guy who have 0 experience what Blade was in his prime. Kabam hands were tied, they Couldn't even put correct tags on champs because blade would've destroyed them. They did great by introducing anti-bleed abilities, but one thing that was hard to control are champion tags.
    -Blade works on tags.
    -tags keeps the game fun, look at EOP
    -if blade is going to counter it, a new champion will have to pass a blade test before launch.
    -mutants class sucked for a while because the champs have to pass a nimrod test and a horseman prefight test.
    -if blade gets a generic ability where he counters a tag, would it or would it not effect the future release of champions?
    -countering a tag creates a whole lot of issues. Ex: magneto
    Onslught metal tag: it doens't completely counter metals, he just stops FEW abilities from triggering.
    Crossbones: how many people can use him to his fullest? The answer is in point Percentages.
    And when it falls it goes into cooldown.
    Falcon: falcon has a cool down. In my eyes falcon is one of the middest champion out there. Not relevant for BGs, not relevant in war,
    Slow quester with mediocre animations.
    first hand experience, he is expensive to run in high tier wars. Get clipped and dead.
    Archangel: he is completely shut down with immunities. Its pretty clear with BGs how RNG it can be.
    The game have numerous OP nukes and defenders the game works fine with. There's no doubt.

    People shared their point and I said, it's not happening. This hypothesis is based on all bad and good experience with the game for over the years.
    There are good buff threads and there are unreasonable buff threads, this one belongs in second one.

    Smacking the head at the same wall for years isn't going to lead anywhere. We have to find a new wall to smack the heads on.

    Everyone wins when a champion get buffed.
    Im all in for it. But I'll have to say that, this is not how he will get it. simple as that.

    Part of it is, people have to pull their head out of BGs, and thoroughly thing about the actual game. Don't you think it will create the same mess over again?
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    Yeah but a simple way to fix it is to put a synergy (either Mephisto or GR) into his base kit and he will be relevant again. That's what the OP's saying
    I replied to this thread, as I too wish he becomes relevant again.
    What Im trying to do is being reasonable with my expectations.
    There's a massive history with blade. The efforts it took to counter blade hindered the game development in general.
    The tag thing can be quiet complex when we consider the whole game and not just BGs.
    And That's all I have been trying to say.

    I'm here as a guy who actually wanted blade ever since he was in Titan. He is going r2 the day I get him.
    DLL already talked about blade situation directly and indirectly when blade was put in Titan. And I agree with him.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 604 ★★★

    So you pulled a 7* Blade from Titan.

    As a nostalgic blade sympathiser, that's just way too op against mystics.

    He need to be nerfed and then buffed.
    He can turn off the node at the start of the fight.
    Naw mate, I don't see that happening.

    Nerfing his old kit will make some blade users mad. Not me tho, I want a nerf followed by an actual numbers buff.

    That's not the GR synergy that's Mephisto, GR only expands to villains which wouldn't be busted in the slightest. It's not like he's shutting down an entire class, Mephisto synergy is a different story and would be busted indeed.
    Champs immune to AAR would counter it or who have increased AAR plus not many mystic are meta defenders bullseye, serpent, red skull, onslaught and many others would still be op against him and shut him down so he could have it and be balanced
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 604 ★★★

    Don't forget blade can bypass aar immunity

    Only works against dimensional beings no one else
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    There’s at least 50 champs that need improvement before blade gets anything
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    So you pulled a 7* Blade from Titan.

    As a nostalgic blade sympathiser, that's just way too op against mystics.

    He need to be nerfed and then buffed.
    He can turn off the node at the start of the fight.
    Naw mate, I don't see that happening.

    Nerfing his old kit will make some blade users mad. Not me tho, I want a nerf followed by an actual numbers buff.

    That's not the GR synergy that's Mephisto, GR only expands to villains which wouldn't be busted in the slightest. It's not like he's shutting down an entire class, Mephisto synergy is a different story and would be busted indeed.
    Champs immune to AAR would counter it or who have increased AAR plus not many mystic are meta defenders bullseye, serpent, red skull, onslaught and many others would still be op against him and shut him down so he could have it and be balanced
    Danger sense ignores aar immunity, so no he would absolutely be busted if he got danger sense against the entire mystic class.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    That's the whole point of this thread, he needs a buff and adding the GR synergy to his kit at base is the easiest way without breaking anything.

    Jeez this guy is so dense. For the eleventh time I guess, that was back when Star-Lord was still top 5 in the whole game lol. The game has changed a lot since then, Blade even with full synergy team isn't broken compared to actual powerhouses from every single class.

    Talk to the devs. Ask them. Why this synergy can not be added in his base kit. Get an answer.
    Do that.

    You don't have a clue do you. You were not present at that time. Comparing blade with starlord, people didn't use starlord In 2018, 2019, 2020.
    The difference you do not understand is the difference between a power house and game breaking node breaking champion.
    That was my initial comment in this thread. He stopped things which he wasn't supposed to.

    You can calm down with the name calling.
    Why are you being disrespectful if someone see the things from different perspective?
    Community logic doesnt always incline with game logic.

    Good luck getting his synergy in his base kit lmao. Never gonna happen.
    I wasn't present at the time? I've been playing since 2015 and I have the title to prove it lmao.

    I'm calling you dense because you are, you keep saying "he shuts down nodes and abilities completely" ignoring the fact that that only happens if you have the Starky synergy which gives 45% increased aar potency, 40% isn't even reliable enough you are absolutely delusional.
    I even gave you examples of champs who shut it down 100% yet nobody calls them broken, some are even considered mid. Your arguments are anything but logical 💀
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    That's the whole point of this thread, he needs a buff and adding the GR synergy to his kit at base is the easiest way without breaking anything.

    Jeez this guy is so dense. For the eleventh time I guess, that was back when Star-Lord was still top 5 in the whole game lol. The game has changed a lot since then, Blade even with full synergy team isn't broken compared to actual powerhouses from every single class.

    Talk to the devs. Ask them. Why this synergy can not be added in his base kit. Get an answer.
    Do that.

    You don't have a clue do you. You were not present at that time. Comparing blade with starlord, people didn't use starlord In 2018, 2019, 2020.
    The difference you do not understand is the difference between a power house and game breaking node breaking champion.
    That was my initial comment in this thread. He stopped things which he wasn't supposed to.

    You can calm down with the name calling.
    Why are you being disrespectful if someone see the things from different perspective?
    Community logic doesnt always incline with game logic.

    Good luck getting his synergy in his base kit lmao. Never gonna happen.
    I wasn't present at the time? I've been playing since 2015 and I have the title to prove it lmao.

    I'm calling you dense because you are, you keep saying "he shuts down nodes and abilities completely" ignoring the fact that that only happens if you have the Starky synergy which gives 45% increased aar potency, 40% isn't even reliable enough you are absolutely delusional.
    I even gave you examples of champs who shut it down 100% yet nobody calls them broken, some are even considered mid. Your arguments are anything but logical 💀
    Alright, I was surprised how you put blade and starlord in same era. Quake, magic, Medusa, aa, iceman, starky voodoo Hyperion were the goat during 2017. Starlord was neither a war attacker nor was he AQ champ. What he was a rol and lol runner.
    Starlord was out of the picture with introduction of act6 and 6*s.

    You are missing the context here. This exact discussion have happened before, its not even new.
    I was on the same side as you, make his synergy in the base kit. And the devs made it pretty clear they won't do it. They messed up HOW his aar worked. That's all.

    We can discuss about his buff all we want.
    And for the 7th time, making GR synergy in his base kit is a dead end. And that's why this thread is not productive.

    Your logic is not lining up with what devs want in the game, while I am here communicating the exact reason why they denied this. And yet that make me the illogical one. Sure thing. Why do you think I keep calling out devs on this one? I genuinely want you to ask DLL this question. Try it.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    They have buffed champs without using synergies. He won't get any special treatment.
    He's not even in the list of champs to get buffed.
    People fighting over here like he is getting buffed. Name one champ who got buffed AFTER it was released as 7*. They haven't even buffed vtd yet.

    They went far and beyond to stop blade for what he did as a 5*. And you think they will let him loose again like that?
    Once again, see if the devs agrees with this just because players wants it.

    I dare you guys, ask DLL or Nah in their streams, what they think about giving blade this synergy in his base kit, as a developer and as a user. They do answer genuine questions.
    You guys on discord, ask away. Update us common ignorant folks what they answered.

    This topic will lead nowhere, this discussion have happened in the past with different topic but the genral idea encapsulated what they thought of him. And that's why it's a dead horse.

    Blades great. But he is not going to be a BG viable champ for a long time.

    That's the whole point of this thread, he needs a buff and adding the GR synergy to his kit at base is the easiest way without breaking anything.

    Jeez this guy is so dense. For the eleventh time I guess, that was back when Star-Lord was still top 5 in the whole game lol. The game has changed a lot since then, Blade even with full synergy team isn't broken compared to actual powerhouses from every single class.

    Talk to the devs. Ask them. Why this synergy can not be added in his base kit. Get an answer.
    Do that.

    You don't have a clue do you. You were not present at that time. Comparing blade with starlord, people didn't use starlord In 2018, 2019, 2020.
    The difference you do not understand is the difference between a power house and game breaking node breaking champion.
    That was my initial comment in this thread. He stopped things which he wasn't supposed to.

    You can calm down with the name calling.
    Why are you being disrespectful if someone see the things from different perspective?
    Community logic doesnt always incline with game logic.

    Good luck getting his synergy in his base kit lmao. Never gonna happen.
    I wasn't present at the time? I've been playing since 2015 and I have the title to prove it lmao.

    I'm calling you dense because you are, you keep saying "he shuts down nodes and abilities completely" ignoring the fact that that only happens if you have the Starky synergy which gives 45% increased aar potency, 40% isn't even reliable enough you are absolutely delusional.
    I even gave you examples of champs who shut it down 100% yet nobody calls them broken, some are even considered mid. Your arguments are anything but logical 💀
    Alright, I was surprised how you put blade and starlord in same era. Quake, magic, Medusa, aa, iceman, starky voodoo Hyperion were the goat during 2017. Starlord was neither a war attacker nor was he AQ champ. What he was a rol and lol runner.
    Starlord was out of the picture with introduction of act6 and 6*s.

    You are missing the context here. This exact discussion have happened before, its not even new.
    I was on the same side as you, make his synergy in the base kit. And the devs made it pretty clear they won't do it. They messed up HOW his aar worked. That's all.

    We can discuss about his buff all we want.
    And for the 7th time, making GR synergy in his base kit is a dead end. And that's why this thread is not productive.

    Your logic is not lining up with what devs want in the game, while I am here communicating the exact reason why they denied this. And yet that make me the illogical one. Sure thing. Why do you think I keep calling out devs on this one? I genuinely want you to ask DLL this question. Try it.
    Blade was 2017, not 2018. Back in 2017 we did have those champs but Star-Lord was definitely still up there, maybe not top 5 but he was still in the top 10 purely because of rol and lol.

    Every single suggestion made on the forums is valid regardless of you considering it logical or not, that's what the forums are for.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 604 ★★★

    So you pulled a 7* Blade from Titan.

    As a nostalgic blade sympathiser, that's just way too op against mystics.

    He need to be nerfed and then buffed.
    He can turn off the node at the start of the fight.
    Naw mate, I don't see that happening.

    Nerfing his old kit will make some blade users mad. Not me tho, I want a nerf followed by an actual numbers buff.

    That's not the GR synergy that's Mephisto, GR only expands to villains which wouldn't be busted in the slightest. It's not like he's shutting down an entire class, Mephisto synergy is a different story and would be busted indeed.
    Champs immune to AAR would counter it or who have increased AAR plus not many mystic are meta defenders bullseye, serpent, red skull, onslaught and many others would still be op against him and shut him down so he could have it and be balanced
    Danger sense ignores aar immunity, so no he would absolutely be busted if he got danger sense against the entire mystic class.
    Read the synergy he doesn’t bypass it with synergy it clearly states it
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 604 ★★★

  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,460 ★★★★★

    I see, I got mixed up with base kit danger sense which does ignore immunities.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I remember blade was the Halloween champ.
    Gives him 2 months in 2017.

    Every single suggestion is valid. Well mate, this one has been discussed and answered before. It's been denied. I have nothing against it apart from it being a dead end.

    All I am saying is we have to suggest something new to make blade great again.

    Eagerly waiting for the Blade movie. Damn just checked it says November 2025.
    No buff till then rip.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    Holy crop, My long comment went to approval hell. I ain't gonna write that shut again.

    Long story short,
    Number of mystics - 44/275
    Number of villains - 86/275
    Villains + non villain dimensional champs - 93/275 champs.

    If blade gets gr synergy on base kit, He will reduce AAR of one third of all champs for the entire fight by 40%. If blade gets mephisto synergy, He does the same only for one fifth of the champs.

    So GR synergy, is more broken than mephisto synergy.

    I would definitely love to see this GR synergy in his base kit as I'm one of those unfortunate ones to pull blade, but

    There's no way kabam will do this.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,643 ★★★★★

    Holy crop, My long comment went to approval hell. I ain't gonna write that shut again.

    Long story short,
    Number of mystics - 44/275
    Number of villains - 86/275
    Villains + non villain dimensional champs - 93/275 champs.

    If blade gets gr synergy on base kit, He will reduce AAR of one third of all champs for the entire fight by 40%. If blade gets mephisto synergy, He does the same only for one fifth of the champs.

    So GR synergy, is more broken than mephisto synergy.

    I would definitely love to see this GR synergy in his base kit as I'm one of those unfortunate ones to pull blade, but

    There's no way kabam will do this.

    Or, make it work against mystic villains as well as dimensional beings
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