Battlegrounds Champ Relevance
I typed out this whole post asking for advice only for it to be sent to the shadow realm because I tried to edit in a period so thanks Kabam lol
Anyway, I wanted to get rid of/add some champs to my deck to push for Celestial and I wanted some advice on 3 champs
1. Scorp: R5 ascended and sig 200 and he’s not doing much. Lots of faster science nukes with more versatility and he’s not coming in handy a lot. Anyone still see him being used? Are there better rotations for battlegrounds or should I just cut him? He’s not first on the chopping block cause I still have 2 champs that get used even less, but I wanted to see if there was anything impressive he’s been doing. I got use out of him when I first ranked him, but not as much recently. Kinda wish I did RG or Pig
2. Shuri: Have her at r1. Skull seems to be the fastest domino killer now but if I don’t draft him, she still seems like an easy second choice since I don’t have Prowler ranked just yet. Anyone use her for anything else? I see her in a lot of higher tiers unlike Scorp and she does come in clutch for dominos so she might be a potential r2, but she isn’t the fastest
3. AA is only r4 rn and I don’t use him much because he’s not r5. Great for bullseye but not so sure how he’ll be after the fix. Is he still goated at r5? I know there’s still a lot of matchups he can do, just haven’t had a chance to gauge him this meta since he’s not great for it
Anyway, I wanted to get rid of/add some champs to my deck to push for Celestial and I wanted some advice on 3 champs
1. Scorp: R5 ascended and sig 200 and he’s not doing much. Lots of faster science nukes with more versatility and he’s not coming in handy a lot. Anyone still see him being used? Are there better rotations for battlegrounds or should I just cut him? He’s not first on the chopping block cause I still have 2 champs that get used even less, but I wanted to see if there was anything impressive he’s been doing. I got use out of him when I first ranked him, but not as much recently. Kinda wish I did RG or Pig
2. Shuri: Have her at r1. Skull seems to be the fastest domino killer now but if I don’t draft him, she still seems like an easy second choice since I don’t have Prowler ranked just yet. Anyone use her for anything else? I see her in a lot of higher tiers unlike Scorp and she does come in clutch for dominos so she might be a potential r2, but she isn’t the fastest
3. AA is only r4 rn and I don’t use him much because he’s not r5. Great for bullseye but not so sure how he’ll be after the fix. Is he still goated at r5? I know there’s still a lot of matchups he can do, just haven’t had a chance to gauge him this meta since he’s not great for it
Shuri remains an extremely strong BG champion. A little bit less in the current VT meta, but my R3 Shuri pretty much never leaves my deck. She is massively underrated in a lot of matchups (for instance this season I have won multiple matches using her against Kingpin).
AA I wouldn't run at R4, and he is in my opinion falling off. I think similar to Torch, it's mostly because his loop requires you block and with the upper ranks full of R2/R3 defenders with block penetration stat focus you often take too much damage, even in ideal matchups. AA is still useful but definitely not an auto-include in a lot of metas.
I agree that Scorp has a lot of utility, but I just haven’t been able to bring myself to draft him over Titania/Hulk/Silk. He’s very safe for sure though and I’ll probably leave him on as backup and for metas that better favor him
Definitely taking Shuri up then. I’ll take the dupe yesterday as a sign from the universe
Yeah I’ve been seeing AA get drafted less and less. A 7* release would be nice 👀
On the thread...
Scorp helps a lot in a lot of fights, not the fastest; but a high chance to end with a full bar and it all depends on what you can place on your defense (A time consuming one or an unavoidable damage chipper)
Shuri.. seen some crazy stuff...
AA meh nowadays.
Without knowing your roster. I personally value Titania, Ham, Hulk and Red Guardian over Scorpion. I don't have Silk or Photon (I know right) so I can't speak to them, but I do believe they are much faster than him. Scorpion is still a great champ, and I've used mine in this meta to kill a few Sassy's and Mangog's in 60 seconds or so. That would lose me most matches, but I got lucky in those rounds with a good matchup, or a bad draft for the other player. I don't think many in Celestial are running him, but I could be wrong.
Personally I think they’re all still fine, though some are definitely on their way out of the meta unless something changes. But I don’t think they’re there yet.
Scorp is slow but finishing with a full yellow bar is a lot of points saved he might take 70 seconds but beat someone who took 50 seconds due to that full health finish. As we get more 7* r3s and eventually r4s he’ll be too slow since I doubt he’ll be a 7* anytime soon.
Shuri also isn’t the fastest but gets saved by taking some of the annoying defenders. There’s no better attuma counter, she takes domino in a good score even when punching up a little bit, and she’s an option for both fam and red skull. On defense she’s still solid if they don’t draft a cosmic, but if they do it’s joever for her. To me she’s fallen to the category of situational, but not completely out of the meta.
AA I have at r4a and I still do find use for him, he’s not the best not the worst. He’s awesome for bullseye with good rng but that’s going away, he still does take Nick and some others but they have other counters. I think you can take him out if you have better options especially since yours is only r4, but for the moment I still find him useful, just not an mvp nuke like he used to be.
Its easy to look at kabam as just some company out there that runs the game we play, but it’s also a group of people who each have their own accounts, rankups, personal game memories & experiences. I always find it cool when devs talk about their own accounts, it’s a reminder that they’re also members of the mcoc community and not just devs.
I agree with the Shuri assessment. I’ll probably r2 her and keep her as my secondary domino counter and use her against other champs in a pinch.
Agree with AA. I usually just find someone better to do what he does, but he’s definitely not useless or anything. Crashed made an excellent point about the block pen really bringing him down.
I couldn't find a Scorp match but this right here is a prime example of why massive utility is useless if you don't have the damage required to compete with most nukes:
Shuri isn't even a nuke to begin with and that was a r3 Domino, all that utility Sinister had did nothing cause he was way too slow. It's the same if you use Scorpion and try to compete with a Hulk, Red Goat, Titania, Pig etc just no way you're gonna finish faster than them so unless they screw up and lose a lot of health you're just not gonna win the round.
2. I used Shuri at r2 for a while and while she was able to handle most r2s and below she absolutely couldn't do r3 (match above was r3 Shuri vs r3 Domino and it was still about 50 secs so not the fastest). Unless you're going to r3 Shuri I don't think she'll get you that far in Celestial.
3. AA definitely the best choice out of the three but I don't know how well an r4 would do in Celestial, he's definitely going to be slower for Bullseye after the changes that's for sure. Mine's not even r4 lol never use him cause I feel like even at r4 it's waaay too easy to shut him down with the current meta defenders in the game.
Hmm I don’t think I’ll be able to r3 Shuri but that’s a fair point. I have Skull r2 and unduped (which slows him a bit) and he still does r3 domino in under 50 seconds so he might be my go to lol. Still thinking of taking her to r2 though because she does handle a few others fairly well
Haha yeah he’s probably not doing much at r4 in celestial. I think trying to push celestial with any r4’s would be hard so I need to weed some champs out or rank them up. AA is one of the few that either needs to be ranked up or get thrown out of the deck
Definitely keep Red Skull as your go to lol you can r2 Shuri but do keep in mind for r3 Dominos it might be a 1-1:10 fight so always pick Red Skull over her, just keep her as a last resort type of thing that's what I used to do when mine was r2.
I agree, either rank him up or leave him out, personally I never have him in my deck, never bam him and I haven't really had any issues or lost to one cause again the two most common immunities in the game absolutely ruin him and after the Bullseye changes I think he's going to lose even more value. Yep, depressing for me cause I r5 ascended him lol I run Inequity 2 and as you can see he stands no chance if there's Inequity at play. I **** a lot on Negasonic but after all this I think she might be one of the best pulls from the Titan now (granted you r2 her) cause yeah Sinister is garbage if there's Inequity, at least Negasonic can do most Bullseyes and skill champs in around 45-55.
AA value and torch value going down this much is crazy. I remember when they were pretty much instawins
Yeah Negasonic has been putting in work for me tbh. Still want that damage bump but she’s a very clutch champ for the skill class. She’s the only hard counter that’s usable since sinister is slow af with inequity. Bitter showed a 39 sec bullseye fight with her so she’s probably the safest outside of Kushala and CGR
Scorpion: Still may be good for Sasquatch because of the burst damage, petrify, and taunt. Is he good for Serpent however?
Shuri: Still great for Domino and any champ who can be shocked. She might be good for Bullseye because of her high block proficiency but not sure.
Archangel: Definitely worth R5A. Good for Sassy, Doom, Bullseye, Onslaught, etc.
Yep, ten seasons ago I was banning them every single round when I didn't have them. Now? I even place mystics and skill champs on defense and win regardless.
Yeah Negasonic will probably be the right move on the long run unless a miracle happens and they decide to make it so Sinister shuts down Inequity mastery or something but that's highly unlikely so unless I pull a 7* Negasonic this weekend, 6* gets my t2 dust.
Are you a celestial gamur?
2 - I have a r2 shuri and I rarely use her on attack. The two matchups where you can say you need shuri is, attuma and domino, But these guys already have a lot of counters. My nimrod can nuke domino in a sp2, But if I don't get to draft him, My r2 mysterio will get the job done while being a headache defender as well. So imo, Mysterio > Shuri for bgs.
3 - r5 that archangel, He is must for certain fights in bgs, especially in higher tiers.