Help Deciding My Next R3

I’m trying to decide who to be my next R3 joining my Venom and Onslaught. I have plenty of duds but also some very good champs who are top tier. My initial thought was Chavez, but would appreciate thoughts and input from people here before I make my final decision. Thank you!
Help Deciding My Next R3 30 votes
Guardian (Sig 20)
Captain Marvel (Movie) (unawakened)
But whomever you prefer, both awesome champs.
She can also reverse power gain just via 2 heavies. Just launch 2 heavies and opponents power gain is reversed. If it's a champ like sym supreme, you can just heavy spam him throughout the match.
Her kit revolves around doing more damage for each buff on opponent, So I would like to have her a way to place her own buffs (like voodoo/kushala) or a soul barb effect, atleast via synergies. But she's awesome without that.
Still chime in if there’s a different opinion anyone might have! Thanks!