When you click on a treasury item in your treasury, it will tell you whether there is a Cap on it or not.
Yes, 9000 for Elder's Marks.
Ran into that with Mysterium about 2nd month, wasn’t buying much in it's Store at that time, and when started claiming a lot more from SQ or Objectives, didn’t realize it was overflowing the bucket. Oh, well.
(and think you meant “Treasury” instead of your Stash. You can actually use your Stash to NOT CLAIM some of them like from Milestones, Compensation mail, etc, until later, once you have actually used up some more by running more Elder Mark Matches.)
Yes, 9000 for Elder's Marks.
Ran into that with Mysterium about 2nd month, wasn’t buying much in it's Store at that time, and when started claiming a lot more from SQ or Objectives, didn’t realize it was overflowing the bucket.
Oh, well.
(and think you meant “Treasury” instead of your Stash. You can actually use your Stash to NOT CLAIM some of them like from Milestones, Compensation mail, etc, until later, once you have actually used up some more by running more Elder Mark Matches.)