It's Conspiracy Theory Time

So, in Avengers Endgame, Doctor Strange said that there was only 1 reality in which they would win. That got me thinking. A lot.
As some of you may know, the TV series Avengers Agents of Shield was originally set in the main MCU timeline. But because of communication issues and some other stuff, in the show, thanos lost first time round ,(presumably infinity war). That presents a big continuity error so know they just put it as two different timelines within the MCU. But doesn't that mean that Dr Strange was wrong Then?
Either Dr Strange was wrong about only 1 possible win, he was right and for some reason Agents of Shield and Main MCU timeline is the same somehow, or at a certain point, something happened where somehow all future events didn't happen. Lemme explain
For example, when Dr Strange went against Dormammu, Dormmammu did some mind control thing where he made Dr Strange think he won when really he is in a comatose state or smth like that. Of course if Marvel did anything like this, me and every other fan would kill them.
Also in Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness we saw that Dr Strange beat Thanos there.
And in What If Vision with infinity stones annihilated him.
What are your thoughts on this?
As some of you may know, the TV series Avengers Agents of Shield was originally set in the main MCU timeline. But because of communication issues and some other stuff, in the show, thanos lost first time round ,(presumably infinity war). That presents a big continuity error so know they just put it as two different timelines within the MCU. But doesn't that mean that Dr Strange was wrong Then?
Either Dr Strange was wrong about only 1 possible win, he was right and for some reason Agents of Shield and Main MCU timeline is the same somehow, or at a certain point, something happened where somehow all future events didn't happen. Lemme explain
For example, when Dr Strange went against Dormammu, Dormmammu did some mind control thing where he made Dr Strange think he won when really he is in a comatose state or smth like that. Of course if Marvel did anything like this, me and every other fan would kill them.
Also in Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness we saw that Dr Strange beat Thanos there.
And in What If Vision with infinity stones annihilated him.
What are your thoughts on this?
If we’re being honest though it was just a a cheesy line to try and add some drama lol.
And why antman and his gf didn't just drove their silly van to safety instead of letting Thanos destroy the time machine and in turn forcing Tony to sacrifice, lol ded.
And why didn't Scarlett witch didn't try to rip apart Thanos again after getting blasted by rockets from air? Is she Stooopid?
So you see, there are lots of why not and what if? In the end it's just a movie and there can't be why and why nots in 2:30 hours of avg run time.
This is probably the best explanation.
Another is: Strange is an egotist who thinks he knows best in any given situation, so he basically just made that **** up so that people would be more-or-less forced to do what he wanted; since no-one there could prove he was just bull****ing.
Kind of like how Picard is still stuck in the Nexus, and everything after Generations is his Nexus fantasy.
And how several coma seasons of Archer were completely unnecessary for the overall story.
Nothing like wasting everyone's time!
Also,the powerfull Captain Marvel only appears (at the real fight) in very last Endgame moments.
So , both movies were sucessfull with some minutes for everyone.
About Agents of Shield series, the discussion at that time was Coulson died in Avengers 2012 and to Marvel it was sacred.
He returned on Cap Marvel but as a Younger Coulson.
But he was needed for Agents of Shield story and success.
Eyyoo. We have couple DrStrnage in forums too.