Is Sinister Sentinel Sideshow the July 4th Deals??

ShadzShadz Member Posts: 7
Every year the July 4th deals are a big deal with crazy offers to help account progression, usually the best offers of the year. But there's no way the Sentinel deals are the July 4th deals right? I'm currently paragon and the daily Sunday offer is better than this. Does anybody know if new offers will appear on the 4th or did Paragon players just get completely ignored?


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,070 ★★★★★
    This is the former July 4/Summer sale. There is nothing else coming for July 4.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,208 ★★★★★
    What were you expecting for July 4th
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,484 ★★★★★
    Shadz said:

    Every year the July 4th deals are a big deal with crazy offers to help account progression, usually the best offers of the year. But there's no way the Sentinel deals are the July 4th deals right? I'm currently paragon and the daily Sunday offer is better than this. Does anybody know if new offers will appear on the 4th or did Paragon players just get completely ignored?

    Wait what the Sunday definitely not better then this that’ll just a bad take
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 893 ★★★
    Shadz said:

    Every year the July 4th deals are a big deal with crazy offers to help account progression, usually the best offers of the year. But there's no way the Sentinel deals are the July 4th deals right? I'm currently paragon and the daily Sunday offer is better than this. Does anybody know if new offers will appear on the 4th or did Paragon players just get completely ignored?

    Valiant have the best offers 😂 many have 5 new R3 ,many S-tier 7* ,catalyst & rankup gem.

    U don't get it done you kabam want paragon players to stop being lazy and get to Valiant.
  • ShadzShadz Member Posts: 7
    Gamer said:

    Shadz said:

    Every year the July 4th deals are a big deal with crazy offers to help account progression, usually the best offers of the year. But there's no way the Sentinel deals are the July 4th deals right? I'm currently paragon and the daily Sunday offer is better than this. Does anybody know if new offers will appear on the 4th or did Paragon players just get completely ignored?

    Wait what the Sunday definitely not better then this that’ll just a bad take
    When the 5 dollar sunday deals give 1000 7 star shards and a revive and the July 4th deals gives a 6 star crystal and low end 6 star rank up gems? Yeah the sunday offers are better.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,484 ★★★★★
    Shadz said:

    Gamer said:

    Shadz said:

    Every year the July 4th deals are a big deal with crazy offers to help account progression, usually the best offers of the year. But there's no way the Sentinel deals are the July 4th deals right? I'm currently paragon and the daily Sunday offer is better than this. Does anybody know if new offers will appear on the 4th or did Paragon players just get completely ignored?

    Wait what the Sunday definitely not better then this that’ll just a bad take
    When the 5 dollar sunday deals give 1000 7 star shards and a revive and the July 4th deals gives a 6 star crystal and low end 6 star rank up gems? Yeah the sunday offers are better.
    But u don’t get unit each owed. I just don’t think 1k is good. To make this better
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