Do they know something we don't?

One last foil hat for jax. It seems he was either headhunted for a project that will be far superior to net marble and/or consists of the employees they are bending over. Or everybody is jumping ship because it is sinking. And the oldest tale in the professional community is that the rats are the first to jump ship (employees) before the sailors know it's sinking (us). And if the game goes down and we all lose 10 years of investments idk that even their lawyers could handle the number of whales who would take their money and seek legal recompense for something they dont 'own' but pay for. 300 Spartans still fell to numbers right? Can net marble afford that? 🤣🤣🤣 I'm just rambling at this point but fun to think about
MCOC is Netmarble's biggest game.
Because of high interest rates and Apple privacy changes, it is very very difficult to launch new games right now.
Studios around the world who don't have successful live service games in operation are really struggling. Thankfully, we have multiple successful live service games.
Consider these factors and think about what you would do if you were Netmarble and Kabam. The obvious answer, and what we are doing, is reinvest in the games that are currently working, and MCoC is #1 on that list.
The future of Kabam runs through MCoC. We all know that, and it's kind of laughable given where the gaming space is right now that players don't understand that. We aren't going anywhere, there is probably more being invested into MCoC right now than ever before.
It just feels like the community got Thanos snapped twice in such a short time span. One of the best things about the game is the community and being able to interact with the game team in one way or another. Having the longest standing go to guy who we could always rely on disappear randomly (Miike) and then the most positive, fun, and interactive one leave shortly thereafter (Jax) is a big blow to the game in a different way. It doesn't lose what it is at its core but it feels like that back and forth, and relationship is gone. Especially with those who it was originally established with
Something seems up me. There are so so so many more offers than just even two years ago and realistically, probably 10 times the amount of offers monthly than there were five years ago. Consistently putting out defenders to milk units. A bunch of people off a little over a year ago Big names in the company leaving. It seems like they’re trying to milk it while they can or,….. The higher-ups are just so damn greedy. They don’t care that that this model will destroy the game and their employees are fed up with it and just leaving.
I mean, you can almost buy your way through the game now I’ve played for six years spent good money 6millon Hero rating and Constantly get matched up in battlegrounds With other summoners who barely have a 3 million hero rating With more ring size and rank 2 7stars than me. Maybe some of the employees are just fed up with the pressure
Biggest game changer? I think that has to be some new mechanic to champions, like synergy/awakening or relics.
I mean Miike left very abruptly about six weeks ago, which sounds like a reasonable amount of time for someone else who decided they were going to leave, to find a new job, and work through a notice period...
But that's probably just me thinking with my tinfoil hat on.
It's fairly ridiculous to even consider that someone would try and file a lawsuit when the ToS is very clear.
2. There are not enough hours in the day for there to be ten times more offers than five years ago.
3. With all due respect to Jax and Miike, and I believe they would both back me up here, they are big names to you because you heard of them, and because they specifically worked in community relations. They were no less, and also no more important to the future of the game than many other people who have left over the years.
4. One of the guys in charge of "the model" for this game is right here, posting in this thread. You should ask him what he thinks about "the model" destroying the game and driving all the employees away.
He's probably going to tell you the same thing I would, but don't make him angry as he has vastly more control over crystal drops than I do.