Day 28 of the plat pass possibly bugged?

I was checking it today, and I did not get the 8 magnetron crystals; from the day 28 double rewards selector in the pass.
Is this possibly a visual bug/glitch? Or was this actually an oopsie?
Is this possibly a visual bug/glitch? Or was this actually an oopsie?
(although graphic doesn’t breakdown how many, each 7 days in Gold track)
On day 28 of the gold track, you get a selector of rewards, and (I presume at least) another selector of rewards along with a title and a profile picture.
Again, I could just be misunderstanding this- as I typically do at times; but I’m not sure.
Looks like the breakdown is 2, 2, 2, and then 4 (every 4th week).
10 total over 4 weeks. Times 3 cycles, = 30 grand total from the Gold Track.