Whether it is a +1 or a +7 that comes with buying Platinum Track doesn’t really matter.
This time around, every single week you are able to get another +2 advancement (+1 if Gold) on the Track (from a weekly Solo Event of doing your daily Track Objectives).
So you’re actually able to advance further than in prior months when the only extra advancement was the Platinum purchase or other separate purchases.
If your current max day is 68, and you need to reach day 84, that means you need 8 more weeks of the +2 Platinum track advance from those Weekly “Mini Booster” Solo Events.
Which I think is exactly how many more there might be (current one included), since we've had 4 prior weeks of them so far.
(Depending on the timing of WHEN you were at your current day, thus showing 68 max)
Ok not sure if the +2 per week is +1 for each of the dual paths or total +2
Each week from that Solo Event, if you have purchased the Platinum pass, you can claim a +2 days. (it's +2 on Platinum track, and I assume would also be +2 on Gold track too at same time. But definitely not +1 each spread across tracks)
Otherwise if you are F2P and only have Gold, your option (it is a Gold/Platinum based selector) is just a +1.
In a few days, when you finish the 4 days required, see how much it advances each.
Ok not sure if the +2 per week is +1 for each of the dual paths or total +2
Each week from that Solo Event, if you have purchased the Platinum pass, you can claim a +2 days. (it's +2 on Platinum track, and I assume would also be +2 on Gold track too at same time. But definitely not +1 each spread across tracks)
Otherwise if you are F2P and only have Gold, your option (it is a Gold/Platinum based selector) is just a +1.
In a few days, when you finish the 4 days required, see how much it advances each.
If your current max day is 68, and you need to reach day 84, that means you need 8 more weeks of the +2 Platinum track advance from those Weekly “Mini Booster” Solo Events.
Which I think is exactly how many more there might be (current one included), since we've had 4 prior weeks of them so far.
(Depending on the timing of WHEN you were at your current day, thus showing 68 max)
Ok not sure if the +2 per week is +1 for each of the dual paths or total +2
Ok not sure if the +2 per week is +1 for each of the dual paths or total +2
Each week from that Solo Event, if you have purchased the Platinum pass, you can claim a +2 days. (it's +2 on Platinum track, and I assume would also be +2 on Gold track too at same time. But definitely not +1 each spread across tracks)
Otherwise if you are F2P and only have Gold, your option (it is a Gold/Platinum based selector) is just a +1.
In a few days, when you finish the 4 days required, see how much it advances each.
Ok not sure if the +2 per week is +1 for each of the dual paths or total +2
Each week from that Solo Event, if you have purchased the Platinum pass, you can claim a +2 days. (it's +2 on Platinum track, and I assume would also be +2 on Gold track too at same time. But definitely not +1 each spread across tracks)
Otherwise if you are F2P and only have Gold, your option (it is a Gold/Platinum based selector) is just a +1.
In a few days, when you finish the 4 days required, see how much it advances each.
Not sure what people are talking about. The mini booster lets you select either +2 days on Plat track (assuming you've paid for that) or +1 day on Gold track. It does not give the added days to both
There will be a time when you can buy boosts. You just can't buy them yet because otherwise people would have paid to get through the whole track day 1 just to get the rewards now.
If it did both, these would he equal and they obviously are not
No matter how many days advancing it is, there is a difference between Gold and Platinum tracks.
*GOLD* That one is still DAY-LOCKED until we actually reach that day during the 3 month duration, which is why Free Players are currently “queue'd” up to earn 5 more days than where the actual calendar is at. We just need to wait for those days to come (even if we don’t do any additional objective for the next 5 days). And which is why you (as Platinum holder) appear to have several more days in Gold “queue'd up” that what Free people have (am I guessing it is 9 days advance now in Gold for PassHolders), because of the overall +2 for both tracks, instead of just +1.
*PLATINUM* Versus Plat.Track which you can actually CLAIM the items forward-looking, in advance of reaching that calendar day, after having done the objective and/or getting another Mini-Booster advance. You get to Claim Plat track as you earn those days, instead of having to wait for the calendar day to actually come.
This time around, every single week you are able to get another +2 advancement (+1 if Gold) on the Track (from a weekly Solo Event of doing your daily Track Objectives).
So you’re actually able to advance further than in prior months when the only extra advancement was the Platinum purchase or other separate purchases.
Just recently returned to playing this game and if can't buy +7 won't get the full reward
Which I think is exactly how many more there might be (current one included), since we've had 4 prior weeks of them so far.
(Depending on the timing of WHEN you were at your current day, thus showing 68 max)
Otherwise if you are F2P and only have Gold, your option (it is a Gold/Platinum based selector) is just a +1.
In a few days, when you finish the 4 days required, see how much it advances each.
No matter how many days advancing it is, there is a difference between Gold and Platinum tracks.
That one is still DAY-LOCKED until we actually reach that day during the 3 month duration, which is why Free Players are currently “queue'd” up to earn 5 more days than where the actual calendar is at.
We just need to wait for those days to come (even if we don’t do any additional objective for the next 5 days).
And which is why you (as Platinum holder) appear to have several more days in Gold “queue'd up” that what Free people have (am I guessing it is 9 days advance now in Gold for PassHolders), because of the overall +2 for both tracks, instead of just +1.
Versus Plat.Track which you can actually CLAIM the items forward-looking, in advance of reaching that calendar day, after having done the objective and/or getting another Mini-Booster advance.
You get to Claim Plat track as you earn those days, instead of having to wait for the calendar day to actually come.