We Deserve Answers.

Hello there.
I apologize for the length of this post, but I feel very strongly against this current season of battlegrounds, and I think the community deserves to be heard on our frustrations.
For those who don't know me, my name is tom. I have been a part of this community for a few years, and never have I once been even close to as frustrated as I am at the time of making this post.
I have been playing battlegrounds since the game mode was in its beta stages. I have had both relaxed, and full try hard, no grass touching types of seasons. The past few seasons I have found myself in the top 50-60 ranked players in the world at the end of the last two seasons. No I am not the best player. I spend a lot of money on this game to be able to compete at the highest level of battlegrounds because that WAS what I enjoyed.
This season has single handedly made me lose faith in the development side of Kabam's game team.
For those who know me, I am someone who always makes sure that we test node sets in battlegrounds, or really be able to give new champions a fair opportunity to show their worth in this game before making final judgements about said node set, or champion.
As someone who plays this game as often as I do, and spend as much money as I do, I feel entitled to some kind of answer about what this meta actually is.
Battlegrounds is skill based matchmaking game mode. The same select number of people are at the top of the leaderboard most every season as proof of that. Summoners such as BeroMan, Andretheruff, Liam, Mesohawnee, Pepe, etc. manage to find themselves in Celestial IV or higher every season. That is not an accident that they are there. Some may say that I am not Celestial V material, and that maybe the seasons I finished there were by accident, and not due to some amount of skill. I would disagree to an extent.
However, this meta that Kabam has decided to make players suffer through in the second half of this battlegrounds season, takes ANY skill out of the players hands, and fully places it on a 16 space wheel.
For those who play anywhere near the top, or in battlegrounds in general, know that every single percentage of health point matters. Down to the decimal point, it matters, and is typically is what wins and loses matches.
In this meta, you are faced with a choice. You either need to sacrifice precious time points in the fight to back up at the start of the fight, potentially making you play against a specific champions rotation (i.e. Cosmic Ghost Rider triggering the precision judgement at the start of a fight), OR straight up gambling that the defender you are faced against does not land a 1/16 chance to go unblockable, or a 1/16 chance that you have a crush debuff on you at the start of a fight.
I have lost a number of games, a number well more than I care to admit, due to gambling that I did not land the 1/8 chance to start with a crush, or the defender starts unblockable.
Even moreso, I have lost more games solely due to having to deal with a Serpent, the most common problem defender, special attack that is either unblockable, or while I am crushed. Due to his kit, there is zero way to avoid taking a full special attack to the face in this interaction. I did nothing wrong inside of the fight, all the defender did was get a bar of power. The only way to potentially avoid this? Turtling your block, you might say? You can't do that because of the same reasons you would be taking that same special to the face.
Or how about going into a fight against an Onslaught, or a Havok, or a Bishop, and the defender has a shock debuff on them. Did the attacker do something wrong? Is that avoidable? Is that skill based?
As a fan of the product Kabam makes, and an active player in both the battlegrounds, and war community, I REFUSE to believe that Kabam would be so ignorant to feel like the interactions I have listed were intended. The team that makes the battlegrounds node sets deserves to speak up for what they put out with this meta. There are matches won, and lost, at ALL levels of the gladiator's circuit currently, due to something completely left up to RNG.
The team that put this node set either forgot that they needed to put out a node set for this season, or there was ZERO testing done with this node set you guys have put forth.
Either way, I would be embarrassed for the product you guys have put forth as a game team for Battlegrounds this season. And I feel entitled, as should the rest of the community, to answers as to why this was the node set you guys put out, and if there was ANY testing done.
Thank you.
I apologize for the length of this post, but I feel very strongly against this current season of battlegrounds, and I think the community deserves to be heard on our frustrations.
For those who don't know me, my name is tom. I have been a part of this community for a few years, and never have I once been even close to as frustrated as I am at the time of making this post.
I have been playing battlegrounds since the game mode was in its beta stages. I have had both relaxed, and full try hard, no grass touching types of seasons. The past few seasons I have found myself in the top 50-60 ranked players in the world at the end of the last two seasons. No I am not the best player. I spend a lot of money on this game to be able to compete at the highest level of battlegrounds because that WAS what I enjoyed.
This season has single handedly made me lose faith in the development side of Kabam's game team.
For those who know me, I am someone who always makes sure that we test node sets in battlegrounds, or really be able to give new champions a fair opportunity to show their worth in this game before making final judgements about said node set, or champion.
As someone who plays this game as often as I do, and spend as much money as I do, I feel entitled to some kind of answer about what this meta actually is.
Battlegrounds is skill based matchmaking game mode. The same select number of people are at the top of the leaderboard most every season as proof of that. Summoners such as BeroMan, Andretheruff, Liam, Mesohawnee, Pepe, etc. manage to find themselves in Celestial IV or higher every season. That is not an accident that they are there. Some may say that I am not Celestial V material, and that maybe the seasons I finished there were by accident, and not due to some amount of skill. I would disagree to an extent.
However, this meta that Kabam has decided to make players suffer through in the second half of this battlegrounds season, takes ANY skill out of the players hands, and fully places it on a 16 space wheel.
For those who play anywhere near the top, or in battlegrounds in general, know that every single percentage of health point matters. Down to the decimal point, it matters, and is typically is what wins and loses matches.
In this meta, you are faced with a choice. You either need to sacrifice precious time points in the fight to back up at the start of the fight, potentially making you play against a specific champions rotation (i.e. Cosmic Ghost Rider triggering the precision judgement at the start of a fight), OR straight up gambling that the defender you are faced against does not land a 1/16 chance to go unblockable, or a 1/16 chance that you have a crush debuff on you at the start of a fight.
I have lost a number of games, a number well more than I care to admit, due to gambling that I did not land the 1/8 chance to start with a crush, or the defender starts unblockable.
Even moreso, I have lost more games solely due to having to deal with a Serpent, the most common problem defender, special attack that is either unblockable, or while I am crushed. Due to his kit, there is zero way to avoid taking a full special attack to the face in this interaction. I did nothing wrong inside of the fight, all the defender did was get a bar of power. The only way to potentially avoid this? Turtling your block, you might say? You can't do that because of the same reasons you would be taking that same special to the face.
Or how about going into a fight against an Onslaught, or a Havok, or a Bishop, and the defender has a shock debuff on them. Did the attacker do something wrong? Is that avoidable? Is that skill based?
As a fan of the product Kabam makes, and an active player in both the battlegrounds, and war community, I REFUSE to believe that Kabam would be so ignorant to feel like the interactions I have listed were intended. The team that makes the battlegrounds node sets deserves to speak up for what they put out with this meta. There are matches won, and lost, at ALL levels of the gladiator's circuit currently, due to something completely left up to RNG.
The team that put this node set either forgot that they needed to put out a node set for this season, or there was ZERO testing done with this node set you guys have put forth.
Either way, I would be embarrassed for the product you guys have put forth as a game team for Battlegrounds this season. And I feel entitled, as should the rest of the community, to answers as to why this was the node set you guys put out, and if there was ANY testing done.
Thank you.
Remember,..it’s a game about gambling in the disguise of a game about superheroes.
If both players are given the same RNG... if you start crushed... then your opponent also starts crushed... that would make it a bit more fair.
That said, I have also lost many matches because the CPU wouldn't throw a special / lost too much time... or because Falcon with locked on couldn't make 1 crit in 5 to finish an opponent off, and the "calculated risk" to push enemy to SP3 backfired.
The game is full of RNG... if it wasn't, and the computer actually played "with proper strategy"... or was totally predictable it would trully be unplayable... but still we could at least all be playing the same RNG.
I can't pull many first batch 7* champ that's RNG .
Those who get higher means Top 10 they don't do anything different they just play & grind a lot .
Newsflash, some metas work really well for you, some work really well for the other team, some are inconsistent, some are easy to avoid, some you need VERY specific champs to work around, etc etc etc.
Then as you mentioned, adding serpent to the mix of all of this with undexable and now occasionally unblockable specials makes him even worse than he already is. Plus rich get richer and his own power gain means he’ll be throwing a ton of specials simply increasing the chance you roll unblockable or crush. And if you do roll one of those 2, what can you do to avoid damage? Oh right nothing, because serpent isn’t designed to be fair, he’s designed to win.
Thankfully for me I don’t play bgs competitively, don’t have any minimums to hit and don’t spend on the game, so I feel no real pressure to play other than getting that last magnetron crystal. But I still can’t help but feel bad for all the celestial players as I watch bg streams, it looks so genuinely unenjoyable.
Sometimes this game is just not worth dealing with.
I'll say this again, This meta is wayy better than magic thief bs, imo.
The entire game is rng, You're allowed to complain about bad rng, everyone is entitled for a rant, But in the end, It is what it is.
Sure the meta sucks because it's so random and some instances are literally unmanageable, I hope it undergoes a thorough review and I'd like to know whether what happened is what was intended or not.
It's the sheer level of entitlement in the OP's post that gets me and I'm so thoroughly sick of the incessant whinging going on in the forums these days, and I'm going to call it out every chance I get.
Anyway, you should have made this a “relaxed” season instead of a “try hard”. Sounds like you’ve made that calculus before.
"...I feel entitled..."
Compare a distribution of summoner win rates to past GCs.
Compare win rates based on matches played in the meta - 5, 10, 20, etc.
Part of me feels like the nodes would push win rates toward the middle and make it harder to win 70-80%. Part of me also thinks at the bottom there would be more summoners who just don’t “get it” and are unable to adapt.
Someone is doing just fine with this meta, cause all the way down to Uru 3 is filled up.
So while we could all argue whether or not it was a well thought out design, the reality is that the vocal majority are upset because they aren't good at it.
I refuse to believe the folks sitting at the top of GC are there by dumb luck, cause they're all subject to the same RNG as the rest of us.
I'm sitting fat, dumb, and happy in Uru 3, but it's cause all I care about every season is making it to GC. Anything beyond Uru 3 is gravy to me, but I'm not gonna blame it on the nodes, cause the opponent is dealing with the same thing.