Opening 2 titan crystals.

I had 12 pulls I would be okay with out of 24
Destroyer, ironheart, serpent, prowler, negasonic are all new so they'd be great.
First pull:

Well, at least it isn't blade. She'll get buffed for sure, hoping for a shuri-esque buff.
Second pull:

Destroyer, ironheart, serpent, prowler, negasonic are all new so they'd be great.
First pull:

Well, at least it isn't blade. She'll get buffed for sure, hoping for a shuri-esque buff.
Second pull:

I'm looking for some copium.
Two other people in my alliance pulled Nova as well, it was not a good day to pop Titans in general it seems lol
Sable? Yeah she needs a buff
She is just as good as my sig 100 R3 Domino,..if not better.
I think people just hate on her because they didnt have her ranked up as a 6 star and haven't played with her enough.
Blade and thing are very clearly the worst pulls. I think sersi is even better than some newer champs like prowler and negasonic.
And i absolutely love prowler.
Is he the best? No, but he is still a solid A-tier champion with 5/5 deep wounds and probably C-tier without deep wounds.
I have an awakened R2 Shang chi that i hardly ever use ,..’cause why when i have her?
Honestly think she a better all round champ and more fun to play.
If everyone disagrees that’s okay,..i don’t care what people think or tier lists say.
She’s awesome for tons of stuff,..i should know,..i use her all the time.