Compensation for Yearly Objs

What is the status on compensation and missing points for SOS gauntlet. I completed both the yearly objectives but no points. I need to get those t4 alpha cats to get my 2nd r3 and achieve Valiant. I’m loosing other valiant rewards from the double track event and many more. Please provide and update ASAP.
What is the status on compensation and missing points for SOS gauntlet. I completed both the yearly objectives but no points. I need to get those t4 alpha cats to get my 2nd r3 and achieve Valiant. I’m loosing other valiant rewards from the double track event and many more. Please provide and update ASAP.
Should I redo the objectives then? Will they compensate for my redo as well? This is such an unfriendly and bs way of handling mishaps.
1. Herc, Abs, Serpent, 0 revs
2. Domino, HT, Doom, 4 revs
Got my T4As and R3 Serpent for my 2nd and Valiant. Also R2 Wong for future Necro first run.
I hope Kabam gives at least 10 revives for compensation and also, R3 items and 7*/ Legendary shards