Third R3 suggestion?

JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
Domino and hulkbuster buster already R3

Please suggest third R3

Leaning towards photon, Chavez and ham, haven't played much with silk yet

Third R3 suggestion? 104 votes

Photon unawakened
AzKicker316LordSmasherGhostrunner01AozerBeastDadhoundogακιyouaintrightThePredator1001LBN1ToniXD_16Denic_2580User123456789 12 votes
Serpent unawakened
PantherusNZXoxo18Krishna24Abspain101Joker1976Ioniqus_797MchlXBlackTuranDanish0528JuanmiQwerasdKLZGusAr418westendbearRing_Master786 15 votes
Spider Ham unawakened
yossLuke9523Sagacious0wlcaptain_rogersWolf911Ben_15455AzenstarOakenshieldThanos101010DaBigGubGubThe_0wenpusAvnishKnightOfTheRealmAsher1_1Kingering_KingNacho98Kablammo 17 votes
Chavez unawakened
buffajr7abo2aFeeney234Ragnarok13KaspYTRepto23GyanemdjerAkkarin23Bugmat78GkeveryKlyph_1Aykut387The_Doctor_24_1RiptideElwindNONYABIZZDurammbgibsonBirbmanDab_west 30 votes
Silk Unawakened
SecondSkrilleraslaslaslaslaslLight_StormItsClobberinTime2x2ywillrun4adonutIbbyG 7 votes
Elsa awakened
BuggyDClownNomis13 2 votes
Shang unawakened
MagicBenton 1 vote
Vox awakened
NojokejaymTJ107Skillful_star13579rebel_JoSpidey_10AmySummersArisstarckMarvelKingSaitamaCuber2906 9 votes
Others please specify
Jazz_MessengerHonghuRayven5220t123459DaywalkerXReal_Madrid_76_2SammyDeWonderWanderNemesis_17dxxnyxlAllisonEdits 11 votes


  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,600 ★★★★★
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    Red skull, but pig would not be bad either
  • dxxnyxldxxnyxl Member Posts: 46
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    I agree with @Nemesis_17 , red skull would be ideal for bgs, but if you dont want two techs then I say serpent for bgs.
  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Spider Ham unawakened
    As someone who has Photon and Pig at R3, go with pig. He’s faster in BGs and photon is slowly becoming a not so hard defender. I have silk at R2 but she’s fine there.
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened
    Nacho98 said:

    As someone who has Photon and Pig at R3, go with pig. He’s faster in BGs and photon is slowly becoming a not so hard defender. I have silk at R2 but she’s fine there.

    I love ham to the core, but photon mediums counter miss and she has few other utilities..
    Heart says ham, mind says photon

    So as a owner of r3 photon and ham, pray tell who would you deem worthy unawakened mate?
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened
    I love Chavez and ham to the core...still torn
    But I've got feel photon packs utility to counter more nodes
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★
    JK_47 said:

    Nacho98 said:

    As someone who has Photon and Pig at R3, go with pig. He’s faster in BGs and photon is slowly becoming a not so hard defender. I have silk at R2 but she’s fine there.

    I love ham to the core, but photon mediums counter miss and she has few other utilities..
    Heart says ham, mind says photon

    So as a owner of r3 photon and ham, pray tell who would you deem worthy unawakened mate?
    I had Ham and Photon both unawakened and made Ham a r3 first. Actually awakened him a couple weeks ago, so that was nice. Really don't want to take Photon up until she's awakened as I have a 6r5 ascended, and I'd want to replace that one with the same BG dual-threat capability.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,626 ★★★★★
    Spider Ham unawakened
    JK_47 said:

    I love Chavez and ham to the core...still torn
    But I've got feel photon packs utility to counter more nodes

    Unduped photon is not a good defender. Go eith ham
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened
    Any thoughts on awakened gorr or vox?
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★★
    Elsa awakened
    She is absolute nuke
  • Hulk808Hulk808 Member Posts: 237 ★★
    Chavez unawakened
  • Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★
    Spider Ham unawakened
    It's between Chavez and Pig. I have both r3 and they are insane
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    Chavez unawakened
    Chavez is bae
  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 302 ★★
    edited July 2024
    Photon unawakened
    As a r3 photon owner i tell you go with her
    She's first on your list so i guess is what you think more
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened

    As a r3 photon owner i tell you go with her
    She's first on your list so i guess is what you think more

    But is she good unawakened?
  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2024
    You should rank up those champions who will not becomes regular banned in BGs. So i think these are ham, silk elsa and vox, wiccan, doggo and odin. If you rankup other champions i.e photon, chavez, shang, red skull, serpent, bishop, korg etc, probably you can't never use them in BGs.
    Rest is your wish.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,804 ★★★
    You made it this far.
    And now you need advice?
    Please tell me what you go with. I need to know.
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    edited July 2024
    Chavez unawakened
    smdam38 said:

    You made it this far.
    And now you need advice?
    Please tell me what you go with. I need to know.

    Honestly consider me a noob, I've only gotten this far by rigorous grinding and mcocnoob youtube guides.... LOL

    Also this far is not really great, considering lot of valiants out there who are year older than me and have stacked roster...I am just humble little grasshopper trying to figure things out ... LOL
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Silk Unawakened
    Silk will do Onslaught and pretty much every other defender that isn’t tech or skill for you
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
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    Alright, maybe I'm a bit biased here, but I vote Iron Man (IW.) Sure, he's not the top defender he used to be and his damage isn't off the charts, but I still enjoy using him offensively. I mean, who doesn't enjoy using a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist in battle?

    In all honesty though, Red Skull would probably be my choice.
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened

    Alright, maybe I'm a bit biased here, but I vote Iron Man (IW.) Sure, he's not the top defender he used to be and his damage isn't off the charts, but I still enjoy using him offensively. I mean, who doesn't enjoy using a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist in battle?

    In all honesty though, Red Skull would probably be my choice.

    I would have honestly r3'ed red skull or warlock if it ain't for my hulkbuster who is already at R3 mate
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 172
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    Void was my second R3, and I have no regrets. He is so useful in many contents.
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  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,562 ★★★★★
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    Odin. Or spider pig.
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened

    Odin. Or spider pig.

    Odin, really Odin over Adam, awakened vox, gorr and terrax

    well color me curious mate, would you care to elaborate
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,626 ★★★★★
    Spider Ham unawakened
    JK_47 said:

    Odin. Or spider pig.

    Odin, really Odin over Adam, awakened vox, gorr and terrax

    well color me curious mate, would you care to elaborate
    Odin can definitely do more raw damage than terrax gorr and vox for bgs. And he is pretty chill to play unlike Adam.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,528 ★★★★
    Spider Ham unawakened
    My first ‘discretionary’ R3. He is fantastic for some many things. (Was obliged to do a tech and then another tech due to gems).
  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Chavez unawakened
    Pulled the trigger on Chavez.....🎉
    Thanks for all your insights guys

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,562 ★★★★★
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    Odin. Or spider pig.
    JK_47 said:

    Odin. Or spider pig.

    Odin, really Odin over Adam, awakened vox, gorr and terrax

    well color me curious mate, would you care to elaborate
    Odin is a killer, doesn't rely on the AI cooperating, doesn't rely on DOT, and no idea why you brought terrax into this.

    He counters evade and auto block with his sp1, his sp2 destroys things and he is also an amazing support champ.

    But I mean, if people want to keep sleeping on him, that just means he never gets banned in BG's. 😎
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
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    If you wanna do it real quick, then go with Chavez. She is one of the best all rounders in bgs and even with right counter, can be annoying.

    If u can hoard resources for future, I would say to wait sometime to try your luck out and in case u dupe your guardian, go with him
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