A possible suggestion for a feature, I think we’d all appreciate

Unless I am mistaken, there is currently no way to instantaneously request “help” with your arena champs’s energy.
I know it’s not that big of a deal, but if there was a “request all” button or something like that- I think us arena grinders would definitely appreciate it.
I personally think it would be a great QoL improvement for the game.
I know it’s not that big of a deal, but if there was a “request all” button or something like that- I think us arena grinders would definitely appreciate it.
I personally think it would be a great QoL improvement for the game.
Because the help all button would kill the servers.
It’s just too tedious to go through the 100-150 champs, and select each one to request help from my ally.
Makes the arena grind feel even more tedious than need be, imo
just before we click next series there should be just one button to request help for the current 3 champs
HELP could be limited to just Quest Energy Help.
And re-adjust the points for Loyaly, etc to accommodate more limited helps.
Could ask for Quest Energy Help every 4 hours instead of 8 might go along with this.