Daily Super Event, where did it go??!!??!!

Why in the world did u guys decide to go away from Daily Super Event?!?! Like seriously! I’m TB, and was loving the little bit of T3 and T6 cats! Plus 6* shards (for few champs I’m still missing), mostly for 7* shards from duped. Plus 300 7* shards every day (if choosing that over cats)!! Why in the world would you take that event away and go back to super lame ass 4hr free crystals and such?? Even for paragon/valiant players, they can get daily crystals from Kabam store if they want to (I def would)! Once again seems like you give something atleast half way decent to players, AND THEN TAKE IT AWAY AGAIN!!! This is all unless I’m missing something, seriously doubt it. Haven’t seen this event in like a week or so. BRING IT BACK FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!
You're missing something. It was added as a 1 month trial. That's it. So far. I also hope it returns, sooner rather than later, but yelling about it, isn't going to make it return any faster...
If you need T3 & T6, go clear content
But the reason why the Daily Super Event was run as a trial is because it wasn't just about making players happy. They could just hand out 7*s every day to everyone to make players happy. The Super Daily was intended to replace a boat load of other small events and objectives and rewards that were collectively designed to encourage enagement - to encourage players to play the game more. The design philosophy of all those older things was to encourage players to go around the game and do different things. That's why there's an arena event, a quest completion event, and so on. The idea behind the Super Daily was to combine all of them and give players more agency and flexibility. You don't need to grind arena if you don't want to. You don't have to level up at particular times if you don't want to. You just have to play the game and get all those rewards.
But what does that do to player engagement? Does it encourage players to play more, because now players can do whatever they want and get even more rewards than before? Or does it encourage players to play less, because now players don't have to do much of anything and still get plenty of rewards? That's why it was run as a test, and why they have to analyze the data before deciding where we go next.
Players being happy is one thing. That's great. But were the players playing more, were they more engaged with the game, did the Super Event encourage players to want to play more, because they felt better about what they were doing? And was this true for all kinds of players? Spenders, free to play, new players, veterans, Uncollecteds, Valiants? What was the impact on the game as a whole? Those are the questions the devs are probably analyzing.
A: (wait, how long ago has that been now ?? 10 days now)
Why hasn’t anyone talked about this.
A: well, the NUMEROUS threads may have fallen off the 1st page by now, because they’ve been talked about starting “10 DAYS AGO” by now.
Here's one in particular that both Kabam's DorkyDave and Pinwheel have commented in.
(but why no comment from Miike ?? lol)