Higher Further Faster question

Why do I feel like we're missing some? I'm at 79 right now as Valiant, and I know a bunch of others are too. But looking at infographics and such, there's 10 coming in the Traders Outpost, 5 from the next Monthly Event, and 4 more from the gold track. That's only 19, bringing the total to 98.
I've done everything so far, so how am I going to fall short unless I spend money? Unless there's a source I'm missing (it says 104 are available for Paragon+, and there's absolutely no way I've missed 6)
Is anybody else in the same boat?
I've done everything so far, so how am I going to fall short unless I spend money? Unless there's a source I'm missing (it says 104 are available for Paragon+, and there's absolutely no way I've missed 6)
Is anybody else in the same boat?
Ive no way to delete this, but I admit my idiocy lmao. Thanks for the tip though.
Other places are still continuing this month.