Hilarious mistake I made in the crucible

Forgot about how Hulkbuster works when he has a bunch of armor ups and just took Mole Man thinking his shock immunity would be good enough. Ended up doing like less than a thousand damage per hit once his armor ups stacked and I was in there for 23+ minutes (at least it was sustainable though, at no point was I at risk of dying)

I feel like quite a lot of us are going to have fun and games like this when we’re left with the dregs of our rosters later in the path 😂
Phew I thought I was the only one...lol
U need to have Shock on u too do any damage.. so u need someone who gets Shocks debuff but is resistance to reduces the damage to zero.. like Onslaught ...
Went back in with a different game plan after reading his passive disorient.. lol
ONLY sp2s thrown into Block.. doesn't knock him down but roots him.. get your bleeds up and then just repeat.
I used Overseer for Rhino. Don't do that. His special concussions shut down the matador node. So I would only get power every 3 or 4 specials.
Also, I tried iDoom for nightcarnage. Really dumb because of the spectre debuff. If you get down to 15%, you just die.
More unforced errors, please!
Just make sure yo do SP2.
Here's mine.
One was really silly. I was following a guide but since it was written before the Crucible was out, it didn't have the fights in the right order. No big deal, unless you're tired and just following it blindly. It led to me just picking "the next attacker" without double-checking who the actual defender was. I therefore ended up with the wrong attacker for the wrong defender - my Shuri vs Punishing Angel. However, it ended up working out pretty well. I just stacked and stacked and stacked passive shocks on Punishing Angel, and her health just drained away.
The second mistake was just a total brainfart. I forgot that Magneto was the master of magnetism and I forgot that Cassie Lang was #metal, so that was a fun fight.
I used Gorr. It was a fun "Let's see who dies of the heal reversal first" fight since I placed a ton of shocks on Nightcarnage, which caused his regen to kick in hard. I eventually won but it was close!