I just got my next 22-Hr Solo, started 10 minutes ago. (but as TB, not Paragon/Valient)
So check again. (Don’t know why it was showing as coming in another 22 hrs initially)
—— Maybe was one of those occassional times that event doesn’t actually start on the minute it should, but starts 5 minutes later. **but still keeps the 22-Hr timing as if it had started on the correct time (so in those occas. times only technically runs for 21:55)
Pretty sure thats just the countdown for when the event ends not when it starts, so once it reached 22:00:00 it would show up on the active list
Ah, yep, that could be too. Coming Soon *NOT* showing *WHEN* it will start, but what it's ending time *WILL* be, as if it is already running.
**Which is bad, because you won’t know how long until next event actually starts (except for doing math subtracting 22 or 7 hrs. Or for other daily events or such)
Also, they took away the “EXPIRED xx Minutes Ago” timing in the “Completed” tab. Now just shows Expired, but not how long ago it ended.
If there is NOT any events in “Upcoming”, then clicking on the “Upcoming” button will act like the button is not even there (so not just disabled), and it will open up the current Event that is showing in the area beneath the “Upcoming” button.
So check again. (Don’t know why it was showing as coming in another 22 hrs initially)
Maybe was one of those occassional times that event doesn’t actually start on the minute it should, but starts 5 minutes later.
**but still keeps the 22-Hr timing as if it had started on the correct time (so in those occas. times only technically runs for 21:55)
22:00:00 it would show up on the active list
Coming Soon *NOT* showing *WHEN* it will start, but what it's ending time *WILL* be, as if it is already running.
**Which is bad, because you won’t know how long until next event actually starts (except for doing math subtracting 22 or 7 hrs. Or for other daily events or such)
Also, they took away the “EXPIRED xx Minutes Ago” timing in the “Completed” tab. Now just shows Expired, but not how long ago it ended.
If there is NOT any events in “Upcoming”, then clicking on the “Upcoming” button will act like the button is not even there (so not just disabled), and it will open up the current Event that is showing in the area beneath the “Upcoming” button.