12% mutant special boost missing in my inventory and loyalty store
I am sure that I had 2 or 3 12% mutant sp boost in my inventory but it is gone and cant find one in loyalty store either
I already restarted game for like 5 times to find one
I already restarted game for like 5 times to find one
(I know I’ve seen that before, NOT ALL of them are always listed in Store)
(**don't know why you wouldn’t see them in your INVENTORY, if you had them. But some Inventory items are not always sorted to be grouped all together).
Next day or 2 I looked again, and saw the ones that had been missing before were now in there, and 2 others were instead missing from Store.
Think it probably is they they have a limit of what can be in there, and so they rotate (or random) them around so only 22 of the 24 boosts are there at a time (6 classes, 2 types of boosts, 2 levels of boosts).
Even years back, they were random as to what was in Store on different days.