We gotta talk about Cassie

Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★★
I've been meaning to discuss this topic for a while- The recent AI behavior and how it directly impacts Cassie in particular.

Cassie and her entire playstyle is built around charging her heavy- letting the AI attack or throw sps into it- and repeat. Charging her heavy build power stings, and landing the heavy will place them on the opponent. If the opponent attacks into her heavy, she will build extra power stings which effectively speed up her ramp and amplify her dmg output.

Notice how I said "If" in that previous sentence. Well that brings me to my point; with the recent AI behavior, they don't attack into her heavy at all. The AI will just stay blocking while she charges her heavy. Forcing you to either:

a) keep charging hoping the AI will dash in until her particles run out and she gets stunned

b) release the heavy early to avoid the stun, which leaves her open to being countered if the heavy doesn't connect (which it won't because the AI won't fricking dash into her, so you're getting hit regardless of the option you end up picking here).

That little rant aside, I will admit her heavy has multiple hits so she covers a fair distance and that sometimes lets the final hit of the heavy land on the blocking AI. That said, it doesn't mean she still works fine. Your fate is ultimately in the AI's hands here, whether it decides keep blocking or counter/dex your heavy. And most importantly, she's missing out on the multitude of power stings she could've built up had the AI simply attacked into her heavy (as intended, as her kit expects).

They really need to address and fix this as it impacts her overall performance in the game, not to mention directly nerfing her viability in BGs (by time stalling, leaving her vulnerable to AI unpredictability, slowing her ramp, and lowering her dmg potential altogether).


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,709 ★★★★★

  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,595 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    Isn't she just scuffed Spiderham?
    Where he can apply his extra juicy power stings with just medium attacks which does so much damage at r3 that everyone just dies?

    Also great "random, omg stop evading, throwing heavy and pls let me use special 😭" defender.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    Unfortunately her taunt is very key to build up powerstings now.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,498 ★★★★★
    This issue is real, no doubt. Best strategy is to push them into the corner to limit their space and spam strikers / sp1s.
  • Bigfoot33Bigfoot33 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Valid points, but I've only charged heavy while I have the defender backed into the corner. That way I won't need to worry about getting clapped or stunned.

    The real issue for me, is that most of the new champs have long SP1 and SP2 I have to play around.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I’ve been using Cassie for a long time and while the Ai is worse now, I’ve never been able to trust her heavy charge on basic attacks. Sometimes you get lucky and the Ai cooperates but usually the defender will turtle up or dash away and punish you when the heavy misses.

    You’re much better off saving her heavy charges and using them to miss specials for her ramp, she’s constantly pushing the defender to the sp1 and if you use the Antman relic the defender will always have a taunt up. If you practice spacing out her heavy to punish specials you can really start stacking up those powerstings. Push the defender to the corner and you’ll have an easier time staying close enough to take advantage of her miss.

    She’s not the easiest to use, kind of like Tigra where you need knowledge of the defenders special animations. But still one of my favorite champs.
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