Alternate punisher 2099 rotation

Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★★
This one is for all the unduped punishers out there, this rotation weirdly works better on the unduped one than the duped one. l'll explain:

1) build to 2 bars of power, wait till you have around 80-90 charges and launch the special 2 (or alternatively throw heavies to dump charges if you're ahead).

2) build to another sp2 and launch it.

3) Then spam sp1s.

Why do this instead of the regular rotation of sp1-sp2-sp1 spam or sp2-sp1 spam?

Well the idea here is to enter overdrive a bit later. It allows you to stack 2 armor breaks, albeit for a brief window, so dmg skyrockets for a bit. It also lets you throw an sp2 in overdrive while an armor break is already on the opponent for some disgusting amount of dmg.

Here's a little glimpse of the dmg I'm talking about:

30k mediums and 18k lights from a r1 level 1 - 7* unduped punisher 2099 btw. Finished the rol ws fight in around 60-70 secs. Keep in mind, I am running cides, but this is still without any boosts or synergies. *A powerback boost here would go nuts btw*

The reason this works better on the unduped one is because it starts you off at a lower battery, so you wouldn't need to dump charges and waste time with his heavies.

If its a match up where you need absolute control, then the regular rotation is better as it lets you access that overdrive control faster. However, for more general fights, this rotation is certainly worth trying out.


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