I’m About to be paragon. Is ultron worth ranking for ease of that fight

Does ultron have use elsewhere if I rank him for the superior kang fight cheese. I want to get through his phases in one go. I was going to rank torch but I don’t have him awakened and I’m probably giving the generic gem we get to Hercules
I used Ultron in my initial run back in the day and Venom in my crucible run.
Ultron shrugs fire and shock at high sig, is double immune, absorbs energy damage, and can’t have his Fuctions AAR’d. he’s not as flashy, but he’s a workhorse still.
Just herc it
He's top #1 hero of the game.
Just for an overview, I used Ultron max sig r4 on legendary and used three revives and heal to 51% (he may have been boosted. I don't remember).
I just finished normal kang (because I want that 100% banner on the special events screen) with a 7r3 Venom (I had suicides on this time and revives that I thought I would have needed for legendary crucible just sitting) boosted because I heard people say he's great. He had over 122,000 hp, and I still had to revive 13 times. I didn't heal each time like I did with Ultron, but that beam just kills me.