Do You Prefer Just One GC Meta Per Season, or Do You Miss Having Multiple?

Earlier today season 20 of battlegrounds ended, and it was the first season where we only had one gladiator circuit meta for the entire length of the season. In the past we had 2 gc metas per season (1 every 2 weeks), and at one point 4 per season. (1 every week)
One meta per season means any rankups you do for that meta have more value, as you’ll get to use them for a lot longer. However this comes at the cost of playing the same nodes over and over again which can very easily get repetitive.
Now that we’ve experienced a full season of just one gc meta, im curious of the community’s overall opinion. (Please note that this isn’t a poll of whether or not you liked the nodes themselves, but rather if you think having the same set of nodes for the whole season is better or worse than having multiple different ones.
One meta per season means any rankups you do for that meta have more value, as you’ll get to use them for a lot longer. However this comes at the cost of playing the same nodes over and over again which can very easily get repetitive.
Now that we’ve experienced a full season of just one gc meta, im curious of the community’s overall opinion. (Please note that this isn’t a poll of whether or not you liked the nodes themselves, but rather if you think having the same set of nodes for the whole season is better or worse than having multiple different ones.
Do You Prefer Just One GC Meta Per Season, or Do You Miss Having Multiple? 63 votes
Get in there too quick and same meta for a long time, add the lack of interest to push due to subpar rewards... Yeah boring
I am an endgame player sure but r2 and r6 materials aren't just raining and having to do one or two champs specifically for that meta every two weeks is just not fun, I do want to compete but I also want to rank up champs I find fun overall.
Now with just one meta, I can play at my own pace and change deck for GC only one time.
Used to wait till week 3 started. Not Caring about that, it's easy to get to GC early and stay chill.