Not to be that guy but this feels a bit underwhelming

Is it just me or do shathra's animations just...seem underwhelming??
They said she was gonna be creepier than kindred and I don't feel like she is.
I guess I expected her animations to be a bit more gnarly?
That “Doink, Doink” sound, as if hitting a tin can (when hitting into Block, on either champ),is gonna get annoying really fast.
I don’t recall Howard, but how about IMIW for a short while long ago that had a BANG that was about 5x your normal speaker setting (ok, maybe it was only 4x normal volume, lol). Had to get up and make sure nobody was breaking in thru my kitchen windows the first couple times.
Destroyer is hardly a top tier bg attacker, but the fact that his sp2 is such a quick burst means that when you're using it 2 or 3 times in a row is not gonna cost that much time and I think it's worth keeping mind.
There's also the fact that he animations used a lot of particle effects for the bugs and considering how dust overloads the game sometimes it's probably better for them to not go overboard with her
Fingers crossed