A question for End Game players

So basically, I'll classify myself as 2nd generation Valliant player. Got 1 r3 from completing Necro and the 2nd from Exploring Act 8. I have 4 r3s (all give away rank up gems) and 18 r2s with Loads of r1s
I play AQ 666 and Gold 4 war. I regularly 90% the weather season series (Summer, winter etc) and frequently reach Uru 3 in BGs (it's a pain to maintain anything past Gamma).

My question is this. What areas of the game should I focus on to get enough rank up materials to r2 7 stars with frequent ease? My headache material right now is Tier 6 class cats. It takes me about 2 months to get 4 of any class. I regularly have 12 tier 6 basic and 11 tier 3 alphas.

What is that oomph I need to get past this?

I'll answer any Qs in relation to your answer.


  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,140 ★★★★★
    Sounds like the only place for you to get more t6c is higher wars
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,623 ★★★★★
    I get most of mine from the bg store but otherwise there aren’t many consistent sources. Sos gives a nice chunk when the later milestones come around but it takes 3 months to get there. I think it’s more so a minor shortage of t6cc in game rather than you missing out on a great source of them.
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 858 ★★★★
    BGS store is the best place for T6CC.
  • Da_MonstrousityDa_Monstrousity Member Posts: 43
    Buttehrs said:

    Sounds like the only place for you to get more t6c is higher wars

    How high do you mean?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian

    How high do you mean?
    Gold and higher get at least some T6CC, but if you want a steady supply to fuel rank up purposes you really want to be in the higher Platinum or Master brackets. Master alliances are getting at least 1.5 cats (between selectors and crystals) per season.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Buy every 10 stack of 25% in the BG store. Should be at least 3 each cycle if you reach GC, maybe 4 if you hit all the 2/3 day challenges.

    AQ store, buy the 3 5% t6cc selectors and 7 5% crystals every week.

    Monthly end game stuff normally adds another whole in various% gems.

    Once a month, the above is 15 whole t6cc. I'm sitting on 53 at the moment (no less than 9 in any class).

    What I'm struggling for, is champions worth taking up....

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