A question for End Game players

So basically, I'll classify myself as 2nd generation Valliant player. Got 1 r3 from completing Necro and the 2nd from Exploring Act 8. I have 4 r3s (all give away rank up gems) and 18 r2s with Loads of r1s
I play AQ 666 and Gold 4 war. I regularly 90% the weather season series (Summer, winter etc) and frequently reach Uru 3 in BGs (it's a pain to maintain anything past Gamma).
My question is this. What areas of the game should I focus on to get enough rank up materials to r2 7 stars with frequent ease? My headache material right now is Tier 6 class cats. It takes me about 2 months to get 4 of any class. I regularly have 12 tier 6 basic and 11 tier 3 alphas.
What is that oomph I need to get past this?
I'll answer any Qs in relation to your answer.
I play AQ 666 and Gold 4 war. I regularly 90% the weather season series (Summer, winter etc) and frequently reach Uru 3 in BGs (it's a pain to maintain anything past Gamma).
My question is this. What areas of the game should I focus on to get enough rank up materials to r2 7 stars with frequent ease? My headache material right now is Tier 6 class cats. It takes me about 2 months to get 4 of any class. I regularly have 12 tier 6 basic and 11 tier 3 alphas.
What is that oomph I need to get past this?
I'll answer any Qs in relation to your answer.
AQ store, buy the 3 5% t6cc selectors and 7 5% crystals every week.
Monthly end game stuff normally adds another whole in various% gems.
Once a month, the above is 15 whole t6cc. I'm sitting on 53 at the moment (no less than 9 in any class).
What I'm struggling for, is champions worth taking up....