Better Defender? Sassy vs Man-thing

Do you think man thing holds a candle to Sassy with both of them at r3?
Both have a tanky health pool and ways of mitigating damage (rage stacks, crit dmg resistance). Sassy has constant specials, Man-thing inflicts poison. Both have a ton of health.
Although Sassy is more of a stall and probably will win the vote, its important to note that Man-thing has a lot less counters than Sassy
Both have a tanky health pool and ways of mitigating damage (rage stacks, crit dmg resistance). Sassy has constant specials, Man-thing inflicts poison. Both have a ton of health.
Although Sassy is more of a stall and probably will win the vote, its important to note that Man-thing has a lot less counters than Sassy
@ItsClobberinTime gotta say im surprised you voted MT
As someone with a r3 Sasquatch, mine has been nuked in about 45 by some r3s and even r6s. If they draft r3 Hulk, Silk, Titania, Ham, Luke, Photon or r6 Red Goat I just can't place him on defense cause he will go down in 45 secs or less.
MT on the other hand shuts down five of those, not to the point where the fight isn't doable but to the point you will either take some poison damage or go above 60 secs. People don't realize how much slower Hulk, Silk, Red Goat, Photon and Luke are when they can't crit, their burst damage is so much lower there is no way they can finish in sub 45 unless there's a node supercharging them like the one on this meta. Cassie would probably do it faster than any of them and she isn't exactly known for being fast.
That awakening ability adds a lot to his defensive kit since he spams specials back to back combined with Mystic Dispersion, that and he also goes unstoppable which can corner you against the wall if you get a bad AI.
Titania has the AI issues on sp3 so shes out. Pig and Luke are nukes. But who really runs Luke? Hulk I've seen people mess up with him against same rank Sassy like in Lagacys vid. Im not sure how Silk would work but without her heavy chaining (hes stun immune in wrath) wouldnt it slow her down? Or full combo relic into full combo sp2 during his wrath still nukes him? Photon i doubt consistently does it in under 50s unless she has good crit rng
Most of the r3s I mentioned either have slow or can finish before he enters Wrath though, Luke straight up shuts him down completely and I think we're going to see a a pretty big surge because of how well he can take Serpent. I already took Luke to r2 myself.
Silk you just go for sp3, he'll be dead after a few combos before he can even trigger Wrath.
You might be right about Photon though don't have one myself so I wouldn't know.