Reunion 7-Hr Crystal Compensation
Member Posts: 1,861 ★★★★★
Hey there,
I recall seeing that there will be compensation for those who purchased the $99 double up deal for the Reunion 7-Hr crystals, since the double up rolled out to everyone at first. Anyone have an idea when that is expected to come out?
Thanks in advance.
I recall seeing that there will be compensation for those who purchased the $99 double up deal for the Reunion 7-Hr crystals, since the double up rolled out to everyone at first. Anyone have an idea when that is expected to come out?
Thanks in advance.
(Although this one was NEW too, instead of the 6 some others that had been going on already) And, Mpd1.
That's not entirely (or at all) accurate.
Those that BOUGHT it got to claim DOUBLE the amount of crystals FOR THE ENTIRE 2 WEEKS.
The Double Reunion crystals that everyone got to keep (or be given back if taken away) were just the first 21 hours, aka 3 crystals.
And for that, if you bought it, you will have gotten your purchased 3 “double's” during that 21 hours, in addition to the non-double basic ones like everyone, plus 3 extra for those 21 hours (so double the double ones of people who did not buy).
But it was just for the initial 21 hours, not for the 2 week duration of the event.
Yours making it sound like everyone got the same amount of “Double Up” crystals over the course of the entire 2 week event (minus any where you didn’t bother to wake up in middle of nights, of course).
And so you’re saying the only difference at all is the 7* crystal plus ONLY 6 Double-Up's ??