Summer of Suffering Moleman

So I completed both objectives the science and the mutant one use spiderman and iceman now only mystic with damage over time is left. Who will work best for this Moleman? I tried Doom but it didn't go so well.

Used my rank 4 ascended Kushala
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
How to use her: get precision by dexterity and let him get one bar of power (hitting optional). NEVER GET HIM TO SP2, NOR USE YOURS. SP1s only. When sp1 is launched, parry the shock hit, and punish with your heavy, and wait for intercepts. Rinse and repeat till he gets to Frenzy. SP1 spam only. In case he gets to sp2, push him to sp3, timing it so tranquility drains his power.
Might as well learn to fight Serpent now I suppose lol