Like how lawmakers like to come up with convoluted names for legislation they pass, just so it can have a greate sounding abbreviated Title to it.
Like a legislative bill that really is “Superficially Antiquated Fictitious and Egregious”, but since it is titled the “SAFE Act” everyone gets behind it, thinking “well, it must have SOME good stuff in it, with a title like that”.
(And that is a prime example of what governments waste their time doing, lol. Deadpool's would actually apply to all of them as well)
Like how lawmakers like to come up with convoluted names for legislation they pass, just so it can have a greate sounding abbreviated Title to it.
Like a legislative bill that really is “Superficially Antiquated Fictitious and Egregious”, but since it is titled the “SAFE Act” everyone gets behind it, thinking “well, it must have SOME good stuff in it, with a title like that”.
(And that is a prime example of what governments waste their time doing, lol. Deadpool's would actually apply to all of them as well)
This reminds me of a interesting incident. After independence, the Indian government debated on who should be our National bird. Most of the members in parliment agreed it should be great Indian BUSTARD, which represents india a lot and is considered as a symbol of pride among some communities. But the government rejected the proposal and went with peacock, as the English version of the bird's name rhymes with the word bast**d, which might convey a wrong meaning.
Ironic they went with peacock, peaCOCK, like, mission failed successfully.
They’re probably intentionally riffing on the first time they did this sort of alliance thing. I recall the first one being called the “Alliance Super Season” in the livestream it was introduced in and people were quick to notice the similarly profane acronym. They joked with chat a bit about what they had evidently missed and talked about having to rename the event, which they did do; it was called “Cap’s Enlistment Event” when it officially rolled out. The fact they’re using the exact same acronym as part of the name and they’re using Deadpool branding means it was definitely intentional.
Like how lawmakers like to come up with convoluted names for legislation they pass, just so it can have a greate sounding abbreviated Title to it.
Like a legislative bill that really is “Superficially Antiquated Fictitious and Egregious”, but since it is titled the “SAFE Act” everyone gets behind it, thinking “well, it must have SOME good stuff in it, with a title like that”.
(And that is a prime example of what governments waste their time doing, lol. Deadpool's would actually apply to all of them as well)
After independence, the Indian government debated on who should be our National bird. Most of the members in parliment agreed it should be great Indian BUSTARD, which represents india a lot and is considered as a symbol of pride among some communities. But the government rejected the proposal and went with peacock, as the English version of the bird's name rhymes with the word bast**d, which might convey a wrong meaning.
Ironic they went with peacock, peaCOCK, like, mission failed successfully.