Next titan

On the topic of next months champs being rolled in it got me thinking of the next titan, following the format we’ve had previous shouldn’t there be no double up of class? (I understand this can change in a whim)
If I’m not mistaken the next titan will involve BRB Enchantress, shathra and nefaria however that’s 2 mystics and would leave skill, tech and mutant. I might be wrong but was just thinking ahead, thanks all.
Phase out next
Ironheart, dust, serpent, destroyer (Luke cage, blade)
Previous titan champs
Silver sable, spider punk, NTW, Prowler (Sym-sup, Nova)
New titan champs
Arcade, northstar, leader, patriot (hood, SIM)
Future titan
BRB, enchantress, shathra, nefaria (????,????)
If I’m not mistaken the next titan will involve BRB Enchantress, shathra and nefaria however that’s 2 mystics and would leave skill, tech and mutant. I might be wrong but was just thinking ahead, thanks all.
Phase out next
Ironheart, dust, serpent, destroyer (Luke cage, blade)
Previous titan champs
Silver sable, spider punk, NTW, Prowler (Sym-sup, Nova)
New titan champs
Arcade, northstar, leader, patriot (hood, SIM)
Future titan
BRB, enchantress, shathra, nefaria (????,????)
Skill - Stealth spidy or hitmonkey
Mutant - Toad or Apocalypse (He isn't broken nowadays).
Tech - Irondoom or sentinel (After a buff)
This guy deserves it
Also sinister is a chase champ and sentinel getting a saga rework makes sense.
Just making his analysis charges permanent across fights or build through fights like you start with 25 more each fight won (double for mutants) and just be a good tank character overall with extended debuff duration which he can turn into plasmas perhaps… but hey idk I’m just hopeful 😂😂