If your Hulk was unawakened before you pulled him again, that's actually a pretty awesome pull. I heard a duped Hulk absolutely crushes anyone at low health, even that dreaded AQ Dormammu. In a Ragnarok Hela synergy, I believe his potential is further increased too
I mean yeah, I'm glad I awakened him. Plus he was already my top champ. But this damn game won't give me any skills or mystics. Out of the 12 4*s I have not 1 skill or mystic lol
Duped Hulk is awesome, but I totally understand the disappointment. That's the frustrating thing about a game based almost entirely on chance. Eventually you will get some champs that you can use but you may never get THE champ you want.
I pulled Star Lord... for the second time this week, and probably the 8th time overall. Actually would have preferred King Pin as he's one of only 3 skill that I don't have.
Not to brag, but I go an Archangel. All that luck mounted up for this crystal since all my other 4 stars are trash.
Yea thanks, I pulled one. How in hell did that champ make top 12?
Exactly what I was thinking. Should have been gwenpool and crossbones. In my opinion
I had 50/50 Hulk lvl 40 and 5* R4 Hulk lvl 20
Got a bloody Hulk, now he s lvl 60 fml
What pisses me off is guys from my ally pulled Spidey, Mephisto, Medusa and Iceman, i needed all of those
You will really hate me.
I pulled AA, my fiancée pulled AA when he got home from work, and our partner pulled AA when she got home.
Damn.. I'm just really unlucky..hopefully in an hour when I get this 5* it'll finally give me a break
That's what I keep seeing. Everyone pulling what I wanted
I hope the gods of the game bless you with a good pull!
I pulled a kingpin. What makes me happy about it is that I don't have to focus on ranking him at all.
That's what I keep seeing. Everyone pulling what I wanted
The Carnage buff that is rumored to happen,is it true? If so any ideas when